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 2.GQ Geiger Muller Counter
 GMC-600+ wont charge? Purchased 2023/01/02
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Posted - 05/23/2023 :  16:53:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Purchased Jan 2 of this year, Amazon order number 114-9292341-9321010

Fired up just fine, set it up with the wifi and map to log data, seemed to be working. Had it plugged into a USB HUB off my PC so I could talk to it as needed. I enjoyed hearing it click.

The other day I realized I wasn't hearing it. Checked and the display was blank. The USB cable had gotten disconnected and perhaps the battery ran flat? Plugged it back in, and I either get "Battery 100%" (but the picture of the battery is empty on the screen, not filled it like it should be) and if I unplug the USB cord, it blanks instantly.

I left it plugged in overnight, and it's exactly the same this AM. Can't turn it on, no clicks, can't talk to it.

Opened the battery compartment (not easy) and I don't see any sign of leakage / corrosion / etc... there. Battery says it's at 2.045 volts (as per my Fluke) so I'm pretty sure it's boned.

Ordering a new battery, but that seems... less than wonderful. I guess I have to be very careful to ensure it stays plugged in?
Reply #1


219 Posts

Posted - 05/23/2023 :  22:56:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That is strange, you may have got a defective unit. EMFDev here can she some lights, I am sure he will provide you with further details on how to solve the issue, or even return the unit for servicing
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Reply #2


2269 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2023 :  09:12:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi James, yea the battery shouldnt go that low and the device will automatically turn off if it detects around 3V. It may just be a bad battery. But you can test if the device is still draining power while it is off. by using your multimeter and check the current through the battery while it is off. The value should be around 16 micro Ampere.
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Reply #3


20 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2023 :  07:28:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
320s I have did the same thing after my 320+ did. Both left charging on a multi port charging hub. to get topped off, but were left hooked for most the day. Left for work. Seemed fine but for whatever reason the batt got tanked to 0% despite over discharge protection?! I replaced the charge IC on my old 320+, it still doesn't love me. The 320s had to have the batt removed for a few sec, then put in, in order to charge it up. As in, I plugged it in at work for about 6 hr, no improvement. But after giving the battery a 10 sec break from the device, it woul charge it back up, SLOWLY. Was on 5% for over an hour. But came up hill. So now I just don't leave them plugged in, it doesn't seem to work out as a stand by power source. I've had little to no time to try and figure out exactly what's going on, but the batteries aren't exactly cheap, no clue why the getting drained so deeply

(I discovered my tiny people (children) have disconnected the Geiger counter to plug in their tablets. In the back room at my desk, where they aren't supposed to be. And while this doesn't speak to the depth of draw, or the time needed to recover, it does resolve why the thing ended up tanked out whilst plugged in... It wasn't!!)

Edited by - violet_sin on 08/01/2023 21:14:41
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Reply #4


14 Posts

Posted - 06/09/2023 :  12:47:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm not having that issue with my 320S. However, it never reaches 100%. It's been connected to a system that is always on for days now and it just sits at 98%. 320S is turned off and it's about three months old running the firmware it came with.
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Reply #5


5 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2023 :  11:31:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah, so... new battery in place, unit freaked out multiple times, but seems to sort of be working correctly now... ish...

Anyway, it was reporting very high counts, so I tried the calibrations. It stuck on massive high counts, but then suddenly dropped to a reasonable value when I moved the unit. Not sure why... but tipping it on it's side seems to clear the irradiated air out of the detector or something? Support has never responded to me, so I don't know if I'm doing it correctly.

I'm just watching it for a while now, and if it seems like it wants to report normal values for a bit, I'll put it back on my network and then try to get it reporting.

My entire goal for buying this thing was to be part of a monitoring system that would help people understand when there is or is not a danger.
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Reply #6


2269 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2023 :  15:11:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi JamesNewton, please make sure you do a factory reset after you put the new battery and check the date and time.
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