I have an very high cpm value read while an daytrip to London. Now I want to know if it could be an realistic value or if it is any type of technical glitch.
I’ve measured an „max cpm“ of over 300k. But an total count of only 224k, in an duration off about 6 days.
For me, that sounds not plausible. The tube is running for six month now for almost the full time. It does not do any of this readings in this time. And after that reading, it go back to good working.
Hi Igor, if you have set the fast estimate time to dynamic it would be possible to get 300k cpm in just a few seconds but it wouldnt add to the total count.
Hi :-) yes, this setting was set to dynamic. I set it to 60sec now and will see if it happens again. It happened again one more time before change the setting.