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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
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1271 Posts

Posted - 05/14/2019 :  13:30:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Q1. Is GQ Meter designed for general use purpose or professional measurement?
A:It is for general use purpose.

Q2. Is your meter designed for beginner users or experienced users?
A:It is for both. Basic features are for beginners. Advanced features for experienced users to explore.

Q3. I am a beginner, how do I start?
A:Power on the meter and keep it on the All-in-one screen. You are able to read EMF, RF and EF from screen.

Q4. What makes the GQ EMF meter unique?
A:Affordable, cost effective with affluent features. The possible source identification and RF browser features are exclusive in the market.

Q5. Why is my reading different from other meters?
A:In the real environment, EMF,RF and EF waves are always mixing and changing constantly. The EMF meters also come in all shapes and sizes, testing various frequencies. It is normal that the EMF meter’s readings keep changing in a range.

Q6. Why is my EMF reading higher than the reading from power company’s EMF meter?
A:One possible reason is the different detection range of frequency.
Power company’s meter only focus on the ELF, the frequency from 50 to 60 Hz. GQ meters can detect the frequency range from 1Hz to 150kHz.

Q7. Why there is no reading on my smart meter?
A:Smart meter emits RF periodically; it transmits data in every fixed time interval. Some smart meters only transmit data once a day. Meanwhile, others may transmit the data every minute. Use RF Browser to see the transmitting pulses. Turn on the data logging to monitor it for a long period so you can download the transmission information later.

Q8. Why is my reading changing?
A:In the real world, generally, there will always be a wide mixture of signals from multiple sources around you. Those signals may have different frequencies, orientations, or digital characteristics. Moreover, they are changing from time to time, space to space. These differing aspects will impact the readout.

Q9. What should I do if I think that the reading is not correct?
A:Test a couple of times to get the reading and take the average of those readings.

Q10. What should I do if my meter is defective?

A:Please call or email GQ Electronics LLC. The staff will arrange the return regardless of where you purchased the meter.

Q11. Why does the reading change when I put my hand on the meter?

A:Human body has electrostatic discharge (ESD, the sudden flow of electricity between two electrically charged objects caused by contact, an electrical short or dielectric breakdown). This impacts the EF reading.

Q12. What is the difference between a single axis and a triple axis gauss meter?

A:Magnetic fields are oriented in space; a sensor will only detect the field properly if it is aligned with the field. A single axis meter has only one sensor in it, which makes it easier to get an incorrect reading than actual reading. This type of meter is cheap due to only measuring partial radiation. A three-axis meter has 3 sensors in it, all aligned at right angles to each other. This type of meter is always correctly aligned. It takes less time but generally costs more than the single axis counterpart.

Q13. Can you describe a bit more on RF radiation?
A:RF(Radio Frequency) radiation is dynamic in nature and can be impacted by varies factors: Frequency, orientation, time and place.

• Every meter has a specified frequency range and it has different frequency response (Nonlinear response)
• A meter only responds to a portion of the RF spectrum.
• Location is one of the most important factor impacts the RF reading. If you have taken RF readings, you know that the levels fluctuate widely from one moment to the next and from one location to the next. Even moving the meter a few inches to one side or another can have a large impact on reading.

Q14. Why the meter has different RF reading on different direction?

A:All RF signals have an orientation in space. They may be vertically or horizontally polarized, they may be circularly polarized. The RF signal also can be reflected by objects. The orientation of the meter’s antenna direction to the signal will greatly impact the meter’s ability to detect the signal. When multiple signals are present (with different orientations), it is difficult to define the antenna orientation.

Q15. What is different between RF Standard mode and RF Sensitive mode?

A:The Standard mode on this meter is referring to average reading. Which is the reading been calibrated to a RSM reading standard. The Sensitive mode mostly reports RF pulse peak value. Most signals today are digital. Digital signals are RF pulse signal (composed of a series of short bursts pulses). The amplitude of pulses can differ by many times, sometimes more than 100 times.

Reply #1


1271 Posts

Posted - 05/14/2019 :  13:38:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Q: Why my meters battery level dropped suddenly and takes long time to charge to 100%?

A: The battery installed is Li-ion type, it has large capacity 2600mA. For safety reason, the charge current limited to 150mA. Assume your charger can provide 150mA charging current, then it needs about (2600/150)=17.3Hrs to fully charge this battery. If your charger only can provide 100mA or lower current, then the charging time can take 26hrs or longer.

The battery voltage sudden drop is the nature of the Li-ion battery discharging. Similar to the discharging, the charging voltage also has a sudden increase curve.

Li-ion battery discharge curve

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Reply #2


1271 Posts

Posted - 05/14/2019 :  13:41:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Q: Why my computer/laptop has high EMF reading if I put my GQ EMF meter on it?

A: The computer has multiple mixed high frequency EMF radiation. The EMF-390 can detect most of those high frequency EMF radiation.

The computer EMF reading comes from a mixed signal. It is normal to get a high reading if you put the meter on the source with zero distance. If you move the meter away from the source for a few inches, then you will see the reading dramatically drop. So, it is a good idea to keep a distance from the source if you want to avoid higher EMF radiation.

The GQ EMF meter has wider frequency detectable range, from 1-400Khz. It can detect high frequency EMF than other brand. Some other brand EMF meters have very limited detectable frequency range, eg. 20-200Hz. Those meters are reading very low on computers. Those meters only good for power line EMF detection.
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Reply #3


1271 Posts

Posted - 06/29/2019 :  18:34:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Q: How to use RF Browser to detect GPS tracking devices?

A: Most of high frequency RF signal from a modern device transmits digital data. It looks like a series of fast pulses. The EMF-390 has a RF Bower feature, which is designed to be capable for detecting fast RF pulses. So, use RF Browser to find a high speed RF signal, such as the signal from a GPS tracking device. The GPS receiver itself has no RF transmitting to satellite, it is only a receiver. Most of common GPS tracking devices use cell phone signal to transmit the GPS data to server. So, detecting a GPS device basically is detecting the cell phone transmitting signal. The cell phone RF signal frequency is depending on the cell phone network used. From 600Mhz to 2100Mhz to cover 2G,3G and 4G network.

Detecting GPS tracking device is little tricky. Because the device does not send the data always. To save the power, it only transmits the data while it is moving or by pre-programmed interval. Normally is every 10, 30, or 60 seconds. Most of time are silence. Each time the transmitting time only last a couple of second (1-3 seconds). The RF Browser has 3-12 seconds history display buffer, so it can display the RF signal during the past 12 seconds. Example, to find a GPS tracking device on a vehicle, place the detector close to the suspected location while driving the vehicle slowly and watching the RF browser to determine if any unusual RF signal been detected. Repeat the testing until confirm the result.
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Reply #4


1271 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2019 :  10:24:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Q: I am close to a cell tower, the EMF-390 is able to detect the cell tower signal. However, it does not detect the RF signal from my cell phone when I am making a call. Why?

A: As I know different type phone network has different RF signal pattern. In most of cases, the GSM phone network has more RF signal activities. But the CDMA/WCDMA is the most quiet network. With the CDMA/WCDMA, the cell phone transmission power is based on the distance to the cell phone tower. If your cell phone is very close to a cell tower, then it uses lowest power to communicate. The signal level may be lower to the cell towers signal level. If the cell tower far away or the tower signal is low, then it switches to the high power mode to transmit RF signal. Please check if your cell phone is a WCDMA type cell phone network.

Or, if you put the cell phone with the meter together in a closed metal box, then you should be able to see the RF transmission.
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Reply #5


1271 Posts

Posted - 07/01/2019 :  10:29:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Q: I lost my safety guide reference card, where can I get a image?
A: here is the image:

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Reply #6


1271 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2019 :  11:19:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Q:Why is my EF crazy when I go near the walls, it just keeps saying high and static?

A: That means your wall has high Static Electricity.
It is not a big problem. Many places have Static Electricity, it is not dangerous to health. When you walking on carpet or even taking off your clothes, there are a few hundreds volts or higher Static Electricity generated. This is why sometimes you got shocked when you touching something.
The meter just let you know there are something happened around you. But you may not need to do anything.
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Reply #7


1271 Posts

Posted - 07/10/2019 :  18:05:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Q: Why the EF changes when I touching the meter?

A: It is normal if the EF reading changes when the time you touching the meter.

The EF is referring to Electric Field. In most of case, it appears to be Static Electric existed almost on any object surfaces. Include the surface of meter surface and human body. The EF can be transferred from one object surface to another. When you touching the meter, your body EF transferred to the meter, so the meter detected EF changes.

When doing measuring, the correct way is to hold the meter at the lower part. See attached picture.
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Reply #8


1271 Posts

Posted - 12/13/2019 :  21:24:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Q: Does my GQ EMF meter support the 5G cell phone network?

A: The EMF-390 supports 5G cell tower signal detection. Just use All-in-one display mode and the 5G RF signal will be included in the RF readings.

The 5G(5th generation) network uses two frequency bands: low-band (600MHz-6GHz) and high-band (24GHz to 86GHz millimeter wave band) . But cell phone service provider companies are still working on high-band deployment. Most of current commercialized 5G networks use low-band only. It may need much longer time for the commercializing the high-band 5G.

This meter detects RF signal up to 10GHz, and it detects current low band cell phone 5G networks.

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Reply #9


1271 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2020 :  18:58:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
RF Spectrum and RF Browser (Common Question)

RF Browser/All-in-one mode RF reading

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RF Spectrum Analyzer

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Some may be confused between the function of RF Browser and RF Spectrum Analyzer of GQ EMF-390. A quick answer would be the RF Browser is to detect the total amount of RF radiation, from all sources that have the frequency bands between 0.01GHz to 10GHz. (See graph 1)

The RF Spectrum Analyzer is an advanced feature to test the strength of RF radiation in specific range of frequency bands. For example, we could use it to test the amount of RF radiation, only between 2.4GHz to 2.5GHz. (See graph 2)

In conclusion, our GQ EMF-390 could detect the total RF radiation up to 10GHz; and several ranges of frequency bands up to 2.5GHz if you wish to detect only the specific range of frequency bands with RF Spectrum Analyzer.

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Reply #10


1271 Posts

Posted - 06/23/2020 :  22:32:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Q: I have a router with 5GHz wifi, but i can not detect this signal with the device. what operating mode should i set to detect it?

A:This meter detects RF up to 10GHz. It detects 5GHz wifi signal from a 5G Wifi router. The best mode to detect the 5G RF is the RF Browser mode. the 5GHz router does not transmit any RF if no wifi device connected to it . In this case the RF meter should read no RF signal. The RF signal only present when a device connected to the 5GHz router and communicating with it.
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Reply #11


1271 Posts

Posted - 07/08/2020 :  13:43:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
1) when I measure the RF radiation while my router is on it shows me in the description wifi/phone and cell tower, but when I turn off the router it does not show me anything of course no radiation when the router is off. My confusion is why it shows me a cell tower too when I turn on my router?

A: The unit may display possible RF source of Cell Tower on Wifi router. That because your Wifi router frequency is similar to cell tower frequency.

2) I have a cell tower that is as far as 0.650 miles, 1.06 km. The meter does not show me any cell tower signal in my location, it only show me the cell tower signal when I turn on the router in my house. Do you know why?

A: Your cell tower is far from your location and the RF signal from the Cell Tower is not strong enough to dominate the RF level in your area. Try to use RF Browser or RF Spectrum Analyzer to see the weak cell tower signals.

3) can the meter sometimes show a Cell Tower signal even when there is no Cell Tower signal only with the wifi/router signal?

A: Yes. Both Wifi and cell tower signals are digital RF signal and they are very similar sometimes. In this case, the meter may display Cell Tower on a Wifi signal.

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