T O P I C R E V I E W |
Breizh |
Posted - 01/05/2022 : 13:21:03 Here the influence of UV light on the measurements made by 2 geiger -muller counters was investigated. In one geiger counter the tube was transparent, the other contained a so-called UV protection shield, supplied with the purchase. The 2 geiger counters were placed simultaneously on their backs on two lit UV light tubes*, over a period of 30 minutes. REMEMBER: "ON THEIR BACKS"!! The research shows that the claim according to which the UV light gives increased measurements with Geiger counters equipped with transparent tubes has not been proven here: they are even lower than the measurements made by the Geiger counter where the tube is surrounded by an UV shield. Mean value with UV-shield: 0.223 uSv/h Max.value: 0.292 uSv/h at 17:02 . Mean value transparant tube: 0.205 uSv/h Max.value: 0.266 uSv/h at 16:48 .
 *The Hi-Tech Lamp with part number F8T5/BL368-U is a 7.2 watt (7.2W), 57 volt (57V) UVA Blacklight Lamp made by Ushio. This lamp has a 15.5mm diameter and an overall length (excluding base pins) of 287mm with G5 miniature bi-pin bases. This UVA Blacklight Lamp has an average life of 3000 hours. It has an initial UV output of 1.2 watts, with a spectral peak at 368 nanometers (368nm). This lamp is also known as Ushio F8T5BL, F8T5/BL and F8T5/UVA. |
12 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Damien68 |
Posted - 02/10/2022 : 01:32:08 Hi Breizh, to test the sensitivity of the counter to light, what is needed is to illuminate the back of the counter so that the light passes through the openings at the back of the counter and hits the GM tube. it is not the meter display that should be exposed to light first.
I say this because in your photo you expose the front of the counter directly towards the sun. it is the opening on the back of the counter that must be sensitive to light.
it may be for this reason that you do not find any reaction during your initial test with the Hi-Tech Lamp at 368 nm if their is no direct enlightment of the GM tube through the openings of the case |
Damien68 |
Posted - 02/09/2022 : 07:26:56 the GMC320 counter having higher levels seems to be older, we see traces of dirt in the joint plane between the two shells of the case, and the PVC is a little more yellowed with UV and time. I suspect it's the one with which he bugging us with all summer.

his Chinese BR-6 counter also includes an M4011 tube with anti-UV protection (a piece of electrical sheath with a diameter of 12mm) (if it the same like this one):
Damien68 |
Posted - 02/09/2022 : 02:01:43 not at all, for assembling electronic PCB there are other standards better suited.
it's better to have a device not sensitive to UV but if it is sensitive it is not redibitory, it can be managed and in the end if you know what you are doing, it does not change much. here we are talking about geger counters accessible to almost everyone, so inexpensive. if you make professional use of it, for legal or military purposes or what, maybe you should be interested in other devices and receive good training in the use of scientific apparatus, it's not the device that will cost the most, but your training. after that, maybe then (but really not sure) you can receive the diploma/certifications of expert necessary to accredit the accusations you are making. |
Breizh |
Posted - 02/08/2022 : 23:55:22 I know that, but it is not forbidden. But if we apply it here, there is no better quality control.
REMEMBER IT WAS ON THEIR BACKS! The influence of UV light on the measurements made by 2 geiger -muller counters was investigated on 2/7/2021. In one geiger counter the tube was transparent, the other contained a so-called UV protection shield, supplied with the purchase. The 2 geiger counters were placed simultaneously on their BACKS on two lit UV light tubes*, over a period of 30 minutes.
End of discussion! Breizh |
Damien68 |
Posted - 02/08/2022 : 16:41:05 quote: Originally posted by Breizh
In this case the quality-control at the entrance and before selling of the products by GQ-Electronics is non-existent or defective. It is not up to the customer to verify this. Implementing a HACCP* by GQ Electronics would be a very effective solution.
HACCP are methods for the agri-food and catering sectors. not applicable here. |
EmfDev |
Posted - 02/08/2022 : 13:42:13 Hi Breizh, can you please do a factory reset to both devices?
I remember you emailed us more than half a year ago that you had 3 geiger counters. You initially had 1 GMC-320+V5 with transparent tube(OT-old transparent). You sent us a picture that your old one had corrupted WiFi params and said that you discovered strangers entered through WiFI which you never used. And for few months, you have detected the drones which caused your geiger counter to read higher readings in µSv/h. It is possible that the calibration data has also been corrupted which have caused the high µSv/h readings since we never saw the CPM. Next, you bought 2 new GMC-320+ (1 black tube(NB), 1 transparent(NT)). You did testing under direct sunlight for all three tubes and OT showed much higher readings than the 2 new ones, NB and NT. Not sure how long you had OT and if you have done a factory reset already.
And because the 2 new 320s, NB and NT, had lower readings, you accused us of "playing the devil's advocate" and works with the government to hide the attacks of terrorism. You believed that the higher readings were correct and you are under attacked by the drones for months and cause all life in your area including your chickens and your health to deteriorate. We told you OT might have to be replaced because it had higher reading than the two new ones.
I believe the picture above with higher µSv/h is NB. You sent us photo before that this counter is reading ok more than half a year ago. Can you please check the CPM and see if it is indeed reading higher and not due to corrupted data? Thanks. |
Jadeye |
Posted - 02/08/2022 : 13:40:44 quote: Originally posted by Breizh
In this case the quality-control at the entrance and before selling of the products by GQ-Electronics is non-existent or defective. It is not up to the customer to verify this. Implementing a HACCP* by GQ Electronics would be a very effective solution. End of discussion. Breizh
*HACCP: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points.
I am not sure if I understand correctly; does that mean that the tube in your device was/is faulty giving you false readings? Thanks! |
Breizh |
Posted - 02/08/2022 : 00:21:18 quote: Originally posted by Breizh
In this case the quality-control at the entrance and before selling of the products by GQ-Electronics is non-existent or defective. It is not up to the customer to verify this. Implementing a HACCP* by GQ Electronics would be a very effective solution. End of discussion. Breizh
*HACCP: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points.
GBG12 |
Posted - 02/07/2022 : 19:31:31 Some generous GMC owners tested tubes to good degrees of precision, mainly Ullix and Damien98 https://www.gqelectronicsllc.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=9287. In general the result was that some clear M1011 tubes are light sensitive, some not. Since 2017, GQ has used black shileding to minimize the chance of light sensitivity, but some such tubes were found to still be light sensitive (perhaps due to defects in the black paint). The root cause is not known, but good analysis in the above discussion shows it is most likely Potassium in the some batches of glass. The tubes are made in a land of many suppliers that are very good at cost-cutting and keeping trade secrets, so it's hard for a buyer (GQ) to know exactly what is in each batch that is bought. |
EmfDev |
Posted - 02/07/2022 : 15:43:18 Hi Breizh, what are their readings without sunlight? I remember long time ago you had 3 meters. 1 was higher that 2 and we said that that tube is defective and would need to be replaced. Is it the one on the picture? |
Breizh |
Posted - 02/07/2022 : 14:33:02 [quote]Originally posted by Breizh
Here the influence of SUN light on the measurements made by 3 geiger -muller counters was investigated on 7-2-2022. In one geiger counter the tube was transparent, the other contained a so-called UV protection shield, supplied with the purchase.The third one the BR-6 does not allow to record the data but gives the mean value on its screen after 8 minutes. The 3 geiger counters were placed simultaneously in front of the sun, from 14:26 to 14:56. The research shows that the light of te sun gives increased measurements till 0.923uSv/h with the Geiger counter with an UV protection shield. Mean value GMC with UV-shield: 0.638 uSv/h Max.value: 0.923 uSv/h at 14:21. Mean value GMC with transparant tube: 0.163 uSv/h Max.value: 0.247 uSv/h at 14:44. The BR-6 counter indicates only a mean value after 8 minutes of 0.170 uSv/h. Nearly in concordance of te mean value of 0.168 uSv/h calculated from 14:20 to 14:27 on the GMC with transparant tube. Measurements of the last two GMCs indicate an operating error of the GMC 320 <1> under sunlight. The finding of violet_sin is confirmed here. Conclusion: there is a problem with the GMC 320 <1>, it has to be solved by GQ Electronics.

violet_sin |
Posted - 02/04/2022 : 11:34:42 I know for a fact my 320+ v4 is reactive to sunlight. If you turn it over in sun, the count shoots up immediately. If your walking around with it in your hand, it will chirp out a lot when sun intermittently shoots through the slats of the case.
It's got the clear version without cover.
I've not checked the P3 probe with uncoated pancake, nor the Ludlum probe with failing black paint. Should do that soon.
Nice to see the scientific exploration of your situation and measurement devices. It's good practice and a nice presentation of the nature of your machines. Keep it up. |