T O P I C R E V I E W |
igel |
Posted - 04/02/2020 : 11:30:41 Greetings to everyone who working in GQ!
I am electronic engineer since 1988. Begin to learn EMI fields around at february 2019 when in our and other villages mount cell towers. But cell network become even worst.
Then I making my own hand-made RF detector with grafic based on oscilloscope. I was really surprised to see sinusoidal signal from our towers.
Then I make spectrogram and my own program on Lazarus and see that there is net of sinusoids with frequency up to 18Hz with 3Hz step. Most powerful sinus has period 400sec and freq=0.0025Hz.
Then I begin study brain waves EMI and found lots of patens about V2K technology - voice to skull on morethansnowden.com site.
I start recording from towers with my detector. Sometime it looks like very noisy impulsed homan voice.
And our new towers doesn't detect by our cell phones because they even hasn't Cell-ID number. In fact they emit EMI on 900MHz modulated by low and extra-low frequencies.
That why I am almost one year search serious meter and define that only yours EMF-390 will help me to separate that new V2K towers from other cell towers.
Only your meter have specrum analizer and logger, USB console connection for future experiments.
But Russian government don't need engineers. And thousands of them living without work.
I live in Tajga forest between Novosibirsk and Tomsk without work and money already 10 years by natural habitate. All donations I spend on spare parts for projects and hold some for your meter.
Now I collect about $150 but our currency rouble falls past week and I lost about $30. Can You give me some discount? Exchanged with my professional advertisment.
I will make full review of EMF-390 on my Youtube channel and try to collect money for order GMC counter in future. Here is uranium development in Novosibirsk.
And even earlyer I wrote post on my socials about EMF-390, other meters and affiliate program. There is more than 20,000 subscribers. Most of them are technicians.
Before I already wrote post about EMF-390 and asking donations for speed up ordering: vk.com/wall51678172_10832
There are some pics:
Pulse-sinusoidal signal from our tower. Wide of screen is 1200 seconds. Most powerful wave has 400sec periode = 0,0025Hz

Spectrogramm. We see net of waves with step 3Hz from 0 to 18Hz.

And here is my videos:
youtu.be/y8TLEqPUzTE - about my detecting EMF in our village

youtube.com/watch?v=1tlDOwJ8Bzc - about V2K detecting

youtube.com/watch?v=snVVyrrpKIY - comparising cellular and V2K signals

youtu.be/er9EC4DUvwo - my program for viewing and decoding V2K records to voice and visualisations (XY mode)

Sorry for mistakes and thanks for attention! |
13 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
igel |
Posted - 04/22/2023 : 05:19:31 quote: Originally posted by 11alexxmarsh11
hello friend! My name is Alexx I live in the United States and I am being harassed daily and tortured by people using v2k namely and physical mind control attacks as well. I have tried everything under the sun to get relief and have come up empty handed. I am no engineer but I have done expiriments with software defined radio with very limited results nothing concrete. Is there anything I can do to find relief from the v2k or discover who the people responsible are? I am desperate for help and would be very grateful if you could offer any. Thanks a ton friend! I live in Reno Nevada in the us
wow.. is it actually? i made some inventions |
igel |
Posted - 04/22/2023 : 05:17:10
11alexxmarsh11 |
Posted - 12/22/2021 : 07:13:31 hello friend! My name is Alexx I live in the United States and I am being harassed daily and tortured by people using v2k namely and physical mind control attacks as well. I have tried everything under the sun to get relief and have come up empty handed. I am no engineer but I have done expiriments with software defined radio with very limited results nothing concrete. Is there anything I can do to find relief from the v2k or discover who the people responsible are? I am desperate for help and would be very grateful if you could offer any. Thanks a ton friend! I live in Reno Nevada in the us |
igel |
Posted - 05/31/2021 : 20:29:23 My friend in Volgodonsk have EMF-390 and send to me all day logs where he registers some huge impulses near 50 000 microwatts per cm2!

At 1-9 of may there was tens of them!
And I write program for analize that logs that after finish I will upload on your forum. There will better visuality with zooming and spectroghraph for detecting Ultra Low Freq. sinuses.

But because I live in Tajga forest near Bajkal by natural habitat I have not much time for programming and make it very slow. |
igel |
Posted - 04/11/2020 : 14:02:35 quote: Originally posted by EmfDev
Hi Igel, thank you for sharing your experience. It is very interesting.
Greetings EmfDev and everybody who read my thread! Wish well health to you all from Syberia! May be You can answer me?
Before I wrote to John from sales@ but last two times he is not answer, just repeat one phrase as a bot and don't sign as usually "Thanks., John"
I copy all of our conversation for you below to see my needings and my advert of your devices with 5000+ views.
Am I offend or disapointed him by something?
Is his previous order link still works? https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=payment%40gqelectronicsllc.com&item_name=+EMF-390+EMF+meter+with+USPS+registered+shipping+to+Russia+&amount=109&shipping=40&no_note=1¤cy_code=USD
I need OLD version of EMF-390 with KHz band. If John's discount too expensive and confused maybe send to me some broken or defected or second hand or without warranty at all? Whatever I'll have no more money to send and recieve it for repair. I will try to repare and make video with detailed description of your devices. I try to economy every dollar. At these days I earn some donations and have about 225 dollars- it's all of my money exactly for EMF-390 with John's discount and GMC-300.
And are he change his mind about discount and take his words back? Is it normal? It surprised me because I know that americans are honest and hold his words strongly.
Also he doesn't answer this:
Is GMC-300 enough for monitoring on your gmcmap.com ?
Can I change firmware with my own bands? Is it opensource? And is it open schematic for repair and refinery?
Can I, as usually, make review with full disassembly and explain all spare parts? Will I keep warranty in this case?
Thank You for attention!
Our discussion:
03.04.2020 13:58, sales@gqelectronicsllc.com #1087;#1080;#1096;#1077;#1090;:
Thank you for your email.
We can offer you a discount on this EMF-390 for US$109, shipping by USPS registered mail for $40. Total US$149.
If this is OK, then you can use following link to make order:
Also, we have Affiliate Marketing Program, you can join and sell our product on your video channel.
Thank you.
From: #1051;#1072;#1074; #1050;#1080;#1085; [mailto:vlrap@ya.ru] Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2020 5:32 AM To: sales@gqelectronicsllc.com Subject: Re: EMF-390 for Syberian V2K
Here I wrote about EMF-390, all of your products, forum, soft, affiliate program to help me order more your meters. https://vk.com/wall51678172_10903
And I want ask: Can I, as usually, make review with full disassembly and explain all spare parts? Will I keep warranty in this case?
05.04.2020 23:03, sales@gqelectronicsllc.com #1087;#1080;#1096;#1077;#1090;:
Just let you know the newer EMF-390V2 has some changes in specification. Mainly on RF Spectrum Analyzer. The current new version the RF Spectrum Analyzer bands changed to 5 bands.
We still have a few 6 bands version left. All new shipment will be in newer version. Please let me know if you want the old 6 bands RF Spectrum Analyzer version.
Please see:
From: #1051;#1072;#1074; #1050;#1080;#1085; [mailto:vlrap@ya.ru] Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2020 12:29 PM To: sales@gqelectronicsllc.com Subject: Re: EMF-390 for Syberian V2K
Greetings, John!
I was read guide and page, found some mistake in band numeration here:
Am I right that in V2 there is no KHz bands at all? I see that 1st band starts at 50MHz. In this case I want old version because I need to detect signals from metall-detector arcs, that now installed everywhere- train stations, metro, schools, shops, gardens, theaters. And they emits EMI at 15-400KHz. As I understand there is only software changes in versions? So can I update dump manually via UART?
At all I wish that in options will manually selected bands start and end frequencies. For example 850-950MHz to see all channels of GSM towers transmitters. As I wrote on forum- parts of channels emits cell data, but parts of them- V2K ULF sinusoids. And I need it for separate cell towers from V2K towers and hibryds. And for logging of V2K translations that have a certain shedule.
Or can I change firmware with my own bands? Is it opensource? And is it open schematic? I wish to refine it by adding headphones amplifier for pelengation the source of signals and define type of data and speed by sound as I used to with my handmade detector.
And previously I wrote:
I have trouble with paypal, can I pay via your site directly with discount code? Paypal have large commission and can't apply my VISA debet card. And I have an USSR passport instead of Russian Federation that Paypal don't accept.
quote: 06.04.2020 13:14, sales@gqelectronicsllc.com #1087;#1080;#1096;#1077;#1090;:
Thank you for your information.
The V2 changed both hardware and software. The hardware changes due to the IC availability. User are not able to get the 6 bands by update the firmware.
We can send you the old version with 6 bands in RF Spectrum Analyzer. However, please be noted that the RF Spectrum Analyzer on lower frequency bands have much slower scanning speed than higher frequency bands.
It is a good idea to add a 850-950bMhz bands into RF Spectrum Analyzer. I will talk to our engineer.
From: #1051;#1072;#1074; #1050;#1080;#1085; [mailto:vlrap@ya.ru] Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 9:52 AM To: sales@gqelectronicsllc.com Subject: Re: EMF-390 for Syberian V2K
Greetings, John! Why You don't answer?
If You can't- just answer how can I order old model without Paypal?
I hurry because here is begins the revolution. USSR comes back! Just exactly as shown in Simpsons.
So can I read somewhere complete list of changes? For making decision and add update to my post about EMF-390.
But am I right that I can't redefine bands frequencies even by changing firmware?
Can You meet me to somebody of engineers? Or maybe there is some forum about hard and software? I have a lot ideas for refine and upgrades.
And I understand that lower frequency is slower- it depends on sweep generator.
10.04.2020 8:53, sales@gqelectronicsllc.com #1087;#1080;#1096;#1077;#1090;:
Sorry for the late reply since I was out of office and buy on others.
You can order it from our website, but you need to let me know your order number so that I can take care your order. Otherwise it will ship the latest version.
We do not have firmware changing list. But as I know the changes only on the hardware RF Spectrum Analyzer. The firmware changed accordingly.
I’m not able to let engineer directly talk to you due to the company policy. Sorry about this.
From: #1051;#1072;#1074; #1050;#1080;#1085; [mailto:vlrap@ya.ru] Sent: Friday, April 10, 2020 4:32 AM To: sales@gqelectronicsllc.com Subject: Re: EMF-390 for Syberian V2K
Greetings, John! Glad to connect again!
Ordering from website possible only without discount as You gifted me before? https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=payment%40gqelectronicsllc.com&item_name=+EMF-390+EMF+meter+with+USPS+registered+shipping+to+Russia+&amount=109&shipping=40&no_note=1¤cy_code=USD
In this case I will try found somebody who have Paypal account. I can pay only VISA credit card where collected all donations for ordering GQ devices.
And may be You know that they read suggestions thread on forum? I already wrote there some ideas. http://www.gqelectronicsllc.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=7017
Or better send them to You by email for show to engineers?
11.04.2020 0:46, sales@gqelectronicsllc.com #1087;#1080;#1096;#1077;#1090;:
You can pay by your VISA card from the order link. It has options for either Paypal or Credit card.
From: #1051;#1072;#1074; #1050;#1080;#1085; [mailto:vlrap@ya.ru] Sent: Friday, April 10, 2020 2:31 PM To: sales@gqelectronicsllc.com Subject: Re: EMF-390 for Syberian V2K
Well health to You, John!
Are You change Your mind about discount and take Your words back? Please, do not so! I already praised You at your and my forums for the discount for my researches of EMI. I collect these donations about one year. Because most of engineers here are workless since 2008 crysis when most of industries and service centers was closed. Thread on my social where I post GQ advert now collects more than 5000 views https://vk.com/wall51678172_10903 Image Insert:
 26244 bytes
At these days I earn some donations and have about 225 dollars- it's all of my money exactly for EMF-390 with Your discount and GMC-300. And I need to ask- is this model enough for monitoring on your gmcmap.com ? I see that in whole Russia here is no your monitor points at all. Just single measurements at Moscow and Belokuriha. My computer is working always 24/7/365 except when repairs (he is 12 years old) so it will be fine monitoring station. And besides near here is secret closed city Seversk or Tomsk-7, when was nuclear disaster stronger than Chernobyl, but here is more abandoned place than european side of USSR. There is no sarcophagus or disposal utilization of equipment of atomic station and winds carry ionised particles all around.
Later at summer I wish to go there on bicycle for making radiation map with http://safecast.org service.
quote: #1058;#1077;#1084;#1072;: RE: EMF-390 for Syberian V2K #1044;#1072;#1090;#1072;: Sat, 11 Apr 2020 10:35:16 -0700 #1054;#1090;: sales@gqelectronicsllc.com #1050;#1086;#1084;#1091;: '#1051;#1072;#1074; #1050;#1080;#1085;' <vlrap@ya.ru> #1050;#1086;#1087;#1080;#1103;: Sales@gqelectronicsllc.com
The order link still works.
You can pay by your VISA card from the order link. It has options for either Paypal or Credit card.
Sorry for mistakes and thanks for attention! |
igel |
Posted - 04/06/2020 : 06:30:08 Here I wrote about EMF-390, all of your products, forum, soft, affiliate program to help me order more your meters. https://vk.com/wall51678172_10903
And I want ask: Can I, as usually, make review with full disassembly and explain all spare parts? Will I keep warranty in this case?
quote: Hi,
Just let you know the newer EMF-390V2 has some changes in specification. Mainly on RF Spectrum Analyzer. The current new version the RF Spectrum Analyzer bands changed to 5 bands.
We still have a few 6 bands version left. All new shipment will be in newer version. Please let me know if you want the old 6 bands RF Spectrum Analyzer version.
Please see:
Am I right that in V2 there is no KHz bands at all? I see that 1st band starts at 50MHz. In this case I want old version because I need to detect signals from metall-detector arcs, that now installed everywhere- train stations, metro, schools, shops, gardens, theaters. And they emits EMI at 15-400KHz. As I understand there is only software changes in versions? So can I update dump manually via UART?
At all I wish that in options will manually selected bands start and end frequencies. For example 850-950MHz to see all channels of GSM towers transmitters. As I wrote on forum- parts of channels emits cell data, but parts of them- V2K ULF sinusoids. And I need it for separate cell towers from V2K towers and hibryds. And for logging of V2K translations that have a certain shedule.
Or can I change firmware with my own bands? Is it opensource? And is it open schematic? I wish to refine it by adding headphones amplifier for pelengation the source of signals and define type of data and speed by sound as I used to with my handmade detector.
And previously I wrote:
I have trouble with paypal, can I pay via your site directly with discount code? Paypal have large commission and can't apply my VISA debet card. And I have an USSR passport instead of Russian Federation that Paypal don't accept.
quote: Thank you for your information.
The V2 changed both hardware and software. The hardware changes due to the IC availability. User are not able to get the 6 bands by update the firmware.
We can send you the old version with 6 bands in RF Spectrum Analyzer. However, please be noted that the RF Spectrum Analyzer on lower frequency bands have much slower scanning speed than higher frequency bands.
It is a good idea to add a 850-950bMhz bands into RF Spectrum Analyzer. I will talk to our engineer.
Greetings, John!
So can I read somewhere complete list of changes? For making decision and add update to my post about EMF-390. But am I right that I can't redefine bands frequencies even by changing firmware? Can You meet me to somebody of engineers? Or maybe there is some forum about hard and software? I have a lot ideas for refine and upgrades. And I understand that lower frequency is slower- it depends on sweep generator. |
igel |
Posted - 04/05/2020 : 04:32:06 Here I wrote about EMF-390, all of your products, forum, soft, affiliate program to help me order more your meters. https://vk.com/wall51678172_10903
And I want ask: Can I, as usually, make review with full disassembly and explain all spare parts? Will I keep warranty in this case? |
igel |
Posted - 04/03/2020 : 10:29:41 quote: Originally posted by ZLM
Those are earthquake cloud.
But can You explain their shift under red line? And how You explain that we are doesn't sense any earhquakes? Can blast wave moved so far? |
Posted - 04/03/2020 : 10:15:13 Those are earthquake cloud. |
igel |
Posted - 04/03/2020 : 00:31:47 And when appears that signals from our towers we can see that kind of clouds.

Be shure that is not chemtrails because these breaks goes from tower. I'll draw.
Image Insert:
 121694 bytes |
igel |
Posted - 04/02/2020 : 14:15:16 Here is swastik and fractal antennas for my detector with wide range frequencies

Here all my hand-made tools for measurements of signals

And here is old russian dosimeter DP-5A that I used for checking beta and gamma radiation
igel |
Posted - 04/02/2020 : 13:58:39 quote: Originally posted by EmfDev
Hi Igel, thank you for sharing your experience. It is very interesting. Please email support and just copy paste what you posted here and I will let them know. They will be able to help you. The email is support@gqelectronicsllc.com
Greetings, EmfDev! I already wrote and to sales@ mail too. Want to add that sinus waves I detected on GSM-900 frequencies used the hand-made RTL-SDR. That how I define which towes emits GSM data and which- that sinuses. That I called "technogypnose" or "patriotism waves" because year ago they was only on days of army victories- 23th february, 9th march, day of Russia, but later they appears every holidays.
I think goverment special use that towers for reduce health of village syberians because we live too long- 90 years and more. All our bees are dying and birds fly away to deep forest.
Here RTL-SDR log from our tower. There is no data in channels - only sinuses.

And here project of my wrist mini-detector with 10 LEDs, beeper and speaker for hearing of detected signals and seach source of EMI

EmfDev |
Posted - 04/02/2020 : 13:22:06 Hi Igel, thank you for sharing your experience. It is very interesting. Please email support and just copy paste what you posted here and I will let them know. They will be able to help you. The email is support@gqelectronicsllc.com |