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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 EMF 390 Suggestions
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United Kingdom
54 Posts

Posted - 05/13/2019 :  11:40:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have an EMF 390,newly running on Rev 2.35 and I notice that there is no Zoom 2 in RF Spectrum mode,on the 153 to 534 Khz band,all the other bands are OK.

Also,its not really a bug,but I find it annoying and unergonomic,
that usually when I change band ,on the Rf Spectrum Analyzer,the band
opens at Zoom 1 and I have to remember to Zoom Out to see the whole band.Not sure if it is on purpose or not.But it bugs me.

Thirdly,where I am living at the moment,by the sea,has many signals in the 1G to 2G band.1100,1250,1600,1700 many channels of cordless telephone,1800 1900,2100,according to my Cornet ED88T Plus.
Many seem to be navigation beacons in the harbour and old mobiles.
I personally would be willing to pay more for an EMF 400 that included an antenna for the 1G to 2.4G band.

Further,at the moment the RF Browser sees the signal but not the frequency,then to change to Vertical gives the frequency,maybe,and then the RF Spectrum can be searched.Which is a long cumbersome process.
It would be great to have the frequency in RF Browser mode.
And would be helpful if the RF Spectrum automatically opened in the band with the highest current signal from Vertical and RF Browser modes.

Thanks for the fine devices and excellent customer service.

you guys rock !

Edited by - paul on 05/13/2019 13:43:52
Reply #1


2288 Posts

Posted - 05/13/2019 :  12:31:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi paul,

The 153-534 only has 1 zoom. That is intended.

The zoom 1 default is also intended because the Zoomed out screen is slow.

I will tell that to my supervisor and to see what he thinks.

The RF Browser doesn't include frequency because it needs to calculate and refresh fast. It can't scan the spectrum bands.

That's a good suggestion but it would make it confusing to some customers.

Thanks for the feedback!!

Edited by - EmfDev on 05/13/2019 14:52:27
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Reply #2


United Kingdom
54 Posts

Posted - 05/13/2019 :  13:03:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the prompt reply.

Zoomed Out IS slow.But Zoom 1 center is arbitrary,and rarely covers
the highest signal,so one must Zoom Out anyway to see what is there.

My suggestion may not be too confusing if there were a User Option for
original or new "Auto Band" mode.

Just musing.

thanks for you attention to detail
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Reply #3


2288 Posts

Posted - 05/13/2019 :  15:01:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We will discuss the Zoomed out, we might implement it on the next firmware revision.

But the Auto band is hard, because other screens do not scan the spectrum and it takes time to scan all the channels.
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Reply #4


1 Posts

Posted - 11/24/2019 :  08:54:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by EmfDev

We will discuss the Zoomed out, we might implement it on the next firmware revision...

I agree with some un-ergonomic issues in GQ EMF-380V2 (rev: 2.57) working with RF spectrum. Actually I was trying to catch 310MHz from my remote controls. In this case I'm switching to 240MHz-1040MGz Band, the noises from that full band still high. I can go with an arrow point to 310MHz and go to Zoom 1 (Takes some of 30sec or more to move cursor). Ok. The noises is still too high maybe. And I can go for Zoom 2, catch the signal in perfect way. Turn the device off and turn on next time. It goes back to RF Spectrum. It forgot abound 2nd band and started over with 1st band: 2.4GHZ-2.5GHz. This time need to go over the same procedure targeting the frequency. It would be nice if the meter could safe last position and zoom in RF spectrum mode.

here is a link for image

P.S. Just a question. There is a gap in band channels. are those frequencies not important?
P.P.S. Don't know where to upload pictures or how to insert links. the message says I have to put "h**p:" instead "http"

Edited by - pantera3k on 11/24/2019 09:26:14
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Reply #5


2288 Posts

Posted - 11/25/2019 :  10:44:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi pantera3k, you can try to turn off the LCD Backlight to see if it can remove the noise in the 300MHz. Those gap channels are less important and including then would make device cost to be much more. Saving the frequency to the configuration is a good idea. We will see if we can implement it in the future updates.
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Reply #6


7 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2019 :  04:57:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"I personally would be willing to pay more for an EMF 400 that included an antenna for the 1G to 2.4G band."

me too

there are many important bands that are missing in the emf-390

there is the upper wifi band from 5.150 to 5.9 GHz
thee is the wimax band from 3.3 to 3.9 GHz ( 5G will also work in this band )
there is the LTE/4G band from 2.5 to 2.7 GHz
and then we have GSM 1800, DECT and UMTS from 1710 MHz to 2170 MHz

of course they will have to add more sensors for the spectrum analyzer and it will cost more but it will be the perfect emf-meter

i hope we will see this new features the next year

"you can try to turn off the LCD Backlight to see if it can remove the noise in the 300MHz"

i tried and the spectrum is more clean
thank you for the advice
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Reply #7


2288 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2019 :  10:27:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
They are also important but would require more chips to add. I will let our engineers know about these bands to see if it is possible to add them to the EMF-390 or a different model with same cost.
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Reply #8


7 Posts

Posted - 11/27/2019 :  00:11:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
with the same cost it's difficult but i think if you want more you should pay more

consider also that unless you live near a giant long-wave/medium wave transmitter you don't need frequencies below 1 MHz
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Reply #9


7 Posts

Posted - 11/27/2019 :  02:30:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
here you can see what kind of cell towers are near you

in Seattle there are few gsm towers but many lte and some umts
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Reply #10

Bill D.

46 Posts

Posted - 11/27/2019 :  05:55:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If there had been a more advanced model I would have gladly paid more for it. I was ready to buy the Trifield which is nearly $60 more than the 390. Ideally an upgraded model might include a touch screen to minimize all the repetitive button pushing.
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Reply #11


2288 Posts

Posted - 11/27/2019 :  10:34:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the suggestions I'll let our engineers know to see if it's possible to add. It would be really good if they're added.
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Reply #12


United Kingdom
54 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2019 :  14:42:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It may be the most important addition,would be antennas to keep up with the roll out of 5G.
I will certainly buy the first available detectors.

Edited by - paul on 11/29/2019 14:44:22
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Reply #13


2288 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2019 :  11:19:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes antennas are hard to make since there are not a lot of towers present at the moment at high end of the 5G spectrum.
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Reply #14


United Kingdom
54 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2019 :  13:29:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thankfully, it looks like the introduction of 5G is being dramatically slowed down.


I'm interested in this comment -

33 Belgium 31 March

Belgian Environment Minister announces that Brussels is halting the 5G rollout, saying, “The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit.” It turns out that there is now no methodology to effectively measure the radiation of MIMO antennas, which have the characteristic of varying field in time, space and intensity, unlike antennas used for 2G, 3G and 4G, which emit radiation of constant intensity and space.

and this -

35 EU April

An EU report admits that 5G is a massive experiment, lamenting that “it is not possible to accurately simulate or measure 5G emissions in the real world”

...perhaps EmfDev could comment on the possibility of being capable of making a functional detector in the first place.

I presume the manufacturers can test their own transmitters....

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Reply #15

Bill D.

46 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2019 :  19:34:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
FYI An interesting article on 5G from Verizon
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Reply #16


United Kingdom
54 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2019 :  15:21:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
@ Bill D. - Thanks ,I see the UK Gov has auctioned off up to 86 Ghz already.
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Reply #17


7 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2019 :  11:32:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Paul it's very difficult to make a cheap 5g meter.probably in the future there will be some apps for 5g smartphones that will make possible to monitor every 5g cell around us

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Reply #18


7 Posts

Posted - 01/03/2020 :  01:10:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It would also be useful to see the frequency of the signal in the RF Browser/General RF mode
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Reply #19


United Kingdom
54 Posts

Posted - 01/03/2020 :  13:44:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
As EmfDev wrote up the page,"The RF Browser doesn't include frequency because it needs to calculate and refresh fast"
I would rather the processor concentrated on reading and displaying the signal in RF Browser mode.
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Reply #20


7 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2020 :  02:44:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
it would be useful to have the band from 108 MHz to 240 MHz because some smart meters transmit in that frequency range
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Reply #21


44 Posts

Posted - 02/08/2020 :  20:56:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi all, I like the functions of this meter. A few suggestions and questions:

1) Suggest adding spectrum analysis and frequency counting from 1 GHz - 2.4 GHz which would be quite helpful. There's lots of cellular in that range.

2) Adding spectrum analysis and frequency counting up to 6, or 8, or 10 GHz would also be very nice. I'm sure that increases complexity and cost though.

3) Suggest moving to micro usb charging port rather than mini usb. I personally have far more charging cables and adapters for that. I also don't have much usb-c.

4) Suggest labeling buttons with actual printing on or beside buttons with high contrast background and not microscopic print.

5) Suggest setting up the RF sensor so someone could monitor a vertically polarized cell tower holding the meter in portrait mode in front of you and looking directly at the display.

6) Suggest more documentation in the manual on the proper orientation of the meter for taking RF and EF measurements. I discussed this in my "How to sweet talk your GQ EMF-390" thread on the forum.

7) The Cornet ED88TPlus has the ability to measure the frequency of the peak signal. I assume this is what the GQ EMF-390 is posting on the vertical screen, and the table screen. But, it appears the 1 GHz - 2.4 GHz range is missing. The Cornet can also display the frequency of the current signal each time the numeric display is updated. This would be a nice feature to have.

8) Suggest putting the battery display icon on the screen at all times, if possible.

Q1) What is the response time of this meter for RF? What is the shortest group of digital pulses it can detect? For example, the Safe and Sound Pro II has a response time of 5 uS. The Cornet ED88TPlus has a response time of 100 uS.

Q2) When I post a post here on the forum with links, the browser pops up a message from GQ Electronics that says links are not allowed and says to use h**P:// instead of the normal heading. But the FAQ says you can post links. So, how do you do that?

Q3) Is there a way to get email notification when certain actions occur on the forum, like new posts in a section, or replies to my topics?

Thanks for a cool meter. The RF Browser is a great way to visualize radio waves.


Ron Frazier - In training with the Building Biology Institute ( to become an independent Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS). We measure, document, analyze, and recommend mitigations for harmful EMF exposures.
All my statements are mine alone though.

Edited by - rfrazier on 02/08/2020 20:57:59
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Reply #22


44 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2020 :  08:41:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi All,

Thought of some additional suggestions and questions:

09) I discovered that the volume of the alert with a good set of earbuds plugged in is, really, painfully loud. Suggest linking the volume of that to the speaker volume option in the menu, or, better yet, provide a separate volume control in the menu for the headphone port.

10) Minor item, under user option, emf unit, milligauss is misspelled as milligause.

11) Minor item, technically electric fields, magnetic fields, radio fields, and dirty electricity are all electromagnetic fields. So, it would be more accurate to label magnetic fields as MF, rather than EMF on the screens and menus.

Q4) Is there a mailing list I can get on for product updates?

Q5) My meter is the EMF-390v2 Rev 3.01. Is there more recent firmware? If so, what does it fix?



Ron Frazier - In training with the Building Biology Institute ( to become an independent Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS). We measure, document, analyze, and recommend mitigations for harmful EMF exposures.
All my statements are mine alone though.
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Reply #23


2288 Posts

Posted - 02/10/2020 :  12:35:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi rfrazier, thank you for your feedback and suggestions, I will ask our engineers/supervisors to see if they are planning to add more bands in the spectrum analyzer or if it is possible in the current hardware. And will verify them the answers to your questions.

The RF detectable pulse is as low as 1 micro second if it is strong enough.

For new updates, you can email with your serial number to check for new updates. For now yours is the latest firmware for your device.

We will also include some fixes on the next firmware including those simple bugs or misspellings you found.

For https links try to use https instead of http? This is just a test.
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Reply #24


44 Posts

Posted - 02/10/2020 :  14:06:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for this info.

Every time I try to save a link in a post, for example:

In the past, it would complain and say in a popup box that links weren't allowed. This time, it seems to have worked. Not sure why.



Ron Frazier - In training with the Building Biology Institute ( to become an independent Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS). We measure, document, analyze, and recommend mitigations for harmful EMF exposures.
All my statements are mine alone though.

Edited by - rfrazier on 02/10/2020 14:07:33
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Reply #25


46 Posts

Posted - 04/08/2020 :  03:56:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bill D.
Ideally an upgraded model might include a touch screen to minimize all the repetitive button pushing.

Ideally and cheaply way to save time and nerves will be adding rotary encoder that will dublicate s2 and s3, and pressing it will dublicate s1. There is no more need except encoder and little firmware changes.

Download Attachment:

Image Insert:

37094 bytes

Image Insert:

61848 bytes

I am electronic engineer since 1988. Begin to learn EMI fields around us at february 2019 when in our and other villages mounted cell towers. Later I discovered that they emits more than cell data- mind and health control signals known as V2K (Voice TO sKull)
Look my measurements and records on my channel
And explanations on this forum

Edited by - igel on 04/08/2020 04:03:59
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Reply #26


46 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2020 :  04:14:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It will looks as this oscillograph

I am electronic engineer since 1988. Begin to learn EMI fields around us at february 2019 when in our and other villages mounted cell towers. Later I discovered that they emits more than cell data- mind and health control signals known as V2K (Voice TO sKull)
Look my measurements and records on my channel
And explanations on this forum
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Reply #27


2 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2020 :  10:44:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Small suggestions about RF browser that does not need any more chips, no more bands but probably just a very little code.
Suggestion 1:It seems the ordinate graph axe is logarithmic; can you add some division tick marks on the far left vertical side of graph? Maybe also added p for pW/cm2, n for nW/cm2 and u for uW/cm2.
Purpose: user can visually determine the level of some individual pulse, or average level of pwer density either for the whole current display data, or for some impulse of interest.
Suggestion 2:instead "GQ RF Browser" it would be very useful to put Avg nnn, where nnn is the average value of current power density which runs above it.

Edited by - slavne on 10/08/2020 10:21:53
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Reply #28


2288 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2020 :  13:49:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Those are good suggestions, I will let the team know about these and see if they can be added. Thanks!
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Reply #29


South Africa
9 Posts

Posted - 05/13/2021 :  23:56:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Clearer Buttons for the successor to this great device:

Its been a struggle to learn to navigate the buttons and I often still choose the wrong one.

I would suggest the following:
A dedicated Menu button that is clearly marked
A dedicated Display button that is clearly marked
2 or more function buttons (different functions depending on screen)
Left(up), Right(down) & select buttons, all clearly marked.
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Reply #30


2 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2021 :  07:17:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I want to add some weight to the suggestion of covering the 1GHz-2.4GHz bands in the spectrum analyzer. It is important. This spectrum is heavily used in ubiquitous 4G and 5G phone radios.

There is a lot of recent academic literature exploring the increased risk of metabolic and oxidative stress induced by ~1800MHz EMFs.

-- Jeremy
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