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 Need help on a replacement receptical

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desertengineer Posted - 04/25/2024 : 19:08:44
I've loved the fun with the 600+, but unfortunately, it has not withstood the time. Two issues I'm currently dealing with.... First, the USB-B SMD receptacle was not strongly soldered, and one day, fell off. Obviously can't charge it now. Need to know the component part number to re-solder it (I have an SMD workstation).

Second - the Pancake tube Anode is freely rotating - not glued or crimped hard enough, and any more movement will surely damage it. I plan to drop a small bit of epoxy on it once confirmed it's working again (when I can charge it), but FYI - this is a quality issue.

Biggest need is the replacement part number for the USB Mini-B receptacle. Just shoot me a part number from Mouser or Digikey and I can get that fixed first. Do not want to spend another $300+ on a replacement.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 04/26/2024 : 10:20:39
hi desertengineer, did you lose the old one? please email, we can send you a new USB mini socket.

For the anode part, you can tighten it. we have improved for the latest version.
desertengineer Posted - 04/25/2024 : 21:39:24
Thank you, sir! Simply, i desire someone at GQ to tell me a conformal SMD part that will meet the SMD traces and solder anchor points. I can do the rest. There are many options out there, many with specific pin spacing. Anchoring down the Anode cap should be easy. Just need to verify it’s not damaged and a good electrically conductive epoxy will solve that. I am formally SMD solder trained and can easily fix the connector. Just would like a “bone” from them on what they use to save a lot of research to find a suitable “Sub”.
desertengineer Posted - 04/25/2024 : 19:15:00
For GQ: Board version is GMC6 5.3 Just need a replacement USB Mini B SMD.

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