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 How 2 upload pres/temp/humidity to History Data?
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Posted - 04/12/2022 :  18:26:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
GMC-500+ with Registered Data Logger PRO V5.61, working great.

The History Data as shown on the World Map has columns for Pressure, Temperature and Humidity (and others) all displaying zero.

I have been running a Davis Vantage 2 for >10 years and have not bothered archiving the pressure, temperature and humidity data since they screwed up the software some 5 years ago; it use to auto-upload and graph online but it stopped working. I tried a few workarounds but lost interest.

What was your (the dev's) vision for including the P/T/H columns in the World Map dataset and might there be a way to perhaps FTP data in and archive it in your DB?

A prior intent was to archive the Davis data in InfluxDB running on a Centos7min VM and display with Grafana. (I have a InfluxDB instance as ******iGraf DB.)

This isn't a huge priority, more like if it's doable without too much pain then I'll give it a go. Or if it's something the dev wants to incorporate then I could get more interested.

Reply #1


5 Posts

Posted - 04/14/2022 :  19:55:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Not that difficult after all. I can populate the DB with all data points except temperature and humidity. What abbreviations are you using?

Edit 1: figured out temperature, stuck on humidity…

Edit 2: No luck figuring out the humidity variable but will keep trying. Can anyone with a GMC-510, 520 or 520+ help me out? Run Wireshark using display filter ip.dst == and look for the line HTML POST showing the command, it will have all the variables being sent to the World Map. I need whatever passes for humidity, it will likely be just before the type= entry. It will take however long your upload interval to the map is ie mine is 5 minutes.


Edited by - Nick on 04/15/2022 12:24:25
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Reply #2


2285 Posts

Posted - 04/15/2022 :  14:05:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Nick, you can try this
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Reply #3


5 Posts

Posted - 04/15/2022 :  15:27:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you sir; hmdt is one I had not tried.

I will attempt to not bother you with this again; I don't think I can mess up your DB but expect to get shut down if I do.

I plan to use a small intermediary program to receive/ combine data from both the GMC-500 and the Davis Vantage2, then post it to the World Map. A local air monitoring station can provide a few of the other readings as well (several refineries 30+ miles W & NW of me).

Thanks again,
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