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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 RF browser - EMF-390 odd behaviour

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jo Posted - 10/29/2022 : 00:34:28
I’ve used my meter for a year or so and something is happening now in RF browser mode that was not there before. Normally when the meter does not detect anything, it stays at 0.014V/m and the lines are flat on the screen. For a couple of days now, it’s been behaving entirely differently with constant lines appearing on the screen at 0.014V/m (see first picture). I did two factory resets already but the issue remains. Normally these lines appear when there is much higher RF in but here it’s constant. And when there is a peak the constant lines disappear only to show the peak lines (second pic). I checked my settings but for me they are the ones I have always used.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 11/03/2022 : 09:22:15
Hi Jo, make sure someone is using the WiFi when youre trying to detect it so that it can be detected.
Jo Posted - 11/02/2022 : 01:15:24
Hello, thanks, that worked. Unfortunately there is another problem: the meter is extremely slow in detecting/updating RF on the screen, esp. when using it at least 30cm from the source (eg. WiFi router). Did not use to be like that. Could this be due to another set-up glitch? Thanks, Jo
EmfDev Posted - 10/31/2022 : 10:10:52
Hi Jo, it may have been due to the settings RF Browser Scale was set to Auto. Check it and set it to Normal.

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