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 2.GQ Geiger Muller Counter
 GMC Geiger Counters Latest Firmware Revisions

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Bobakman Posted - 05/06/2023 : 18:14:28
To: Admin's
Can you perhaps make this a "Sticky" so all users can be aware if they are running the latest firmware?
Perhaps you can also link the firmware revisions here as well so users can update their devices?
Thanks, Bob
28   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Searinox Posted - 05/31/2024 : 22:55:59
Sent directly from email just now.
EmfDev Posted - 05/17/2024 : 09:49:37
most likely i didnt receive your email. can you email
Searinox Posted - 05/17/2024 : 01:49:31
So far I've gotten no response which is odd because all my previous requests got a response the same day.
Bobakman Posted - 05/16/2024 : 11:31:26
Please let me know if the revision you get is later than revision 2.52 because if it is then I’ll need to submit a request as well.
Thanks, Bob
Searinox Posted - 05/15/2024 : 23:24:29

I requested a firmware update via e-mail yesterday to EmfDev.
Bobakman Posted - 05/02/2024 : 21:33:49
Just checking in to see if there is a firmware update newer than the one I have currently on my 600+ revision 2.52?
Thanks, Bob
Nisei Posted - 03/04/2024 : 11:36:26
Just emailed them for the latest version for my 320 Plus v4
Got a reply that I'm already running the latest which apparently is 4.27
Just a waste of their time.
They should indeed make a sticky here that let's you check the latest version for your model.
wikilicious Posted - 02/15/2024 : 16:59:45
GQ Rev versions don't follow 'semver' semantics...

Seems like there is a deeper issue with rev versions... A serial number wasn't enough... 'DSID' was added...

Wishful thinking: I'd like to have a communication protocol specification mapping to firmware.

ihab17 Posted - 02/12/2024 : 23:34:48
Originally posted by Bobakman

Thanks ihab17! I'll send an E-mail request for the update.
Have you noticed any improvements in performance or know of what was changed/improved?
Thanks again, Bob

Improvements of some crashes and few display bugs YES, improvements in the algorithm and accuracy, not much. Unfortunately QG does not release any change log, so you have to ask them and take their words for granted on what they have changed.
Bobakman Posted - 02/12/2024 : 18:19:28
Thanks ihab17! I'll send an E-mail request for the update.
Have you noticed any improvements in performance or know of what was changed/improved?
Thanks again, Bob
ihab17 Posted - 02/12/2024 : 14:50:54
Originally posted by Bobakman

What is the latest firmware revision for the GMC 600+? Currently I am at 2.47.

I have just updated my device to the latest FW version 2.52
ihab17 Posted - 02/12/2024 : 03:05:11
Originally posted by Bobakman

What is the latest firmware revision for the GMC 600+? Currently I am at 2.47.

I am running version 2.51
Bobakman Posted - 02/11/2024 : 20:20:14
What is the latest firmware revision for the GMC 600+? Currently I am at 2.47.
Bobakman Posted - 08/02/2023 : 21:05:18
OK folks the latest firmware revision for my 600+ is now 2.47. Get them request E-Mails out LOL!
Bobakman Posted - 07/09/2023 : 09:20:30
Originally posted by ullix

Previously you had 3 "calibration" points, which all coded a single(!) value. Now you have 6 "calibration" points which still all code a single value.

And a single value is all that is needed.

But you can do me a favor and download the config memory with GeigerLog 1.5 and post it on Sourceforge.

Ullix posted under "Easy Data Uploads"
ullix Posted - 07/07/2023 : 00:13:34
Previously you had 3 "calibration" points, which all coded a single(!) value. Now you have 6 "calibration" points which still all code a single value.

And a single value is all that is needed.

But you can do me a favor and download the config memory with GeigerLog 1.5 and post it on Sourceforge.
Bobakman Posted - 07/06/2023 : 08:31:50
Originally posted by ihab17

Originally posted by Bobakman

Originally posted by EmfDev

Hi Bob, I believe it is 2.46. please email support with your serial number for the udpate.

Thank you Sir firmware on my 600+ has been successfully updated to revision 2.46.
Can you tell me what the improvements or fixes were in revision 2.46 from 2.45?

I have update my GMC 600+ to this latest version, namely 2.46, and from the short time I have had to test it, the only visible thing jumped to my eyes are the several calibration factors introduced. Previously they were 2, and now if I am not mistaken they are 4 or 5

Wow you're right I just checked it's actually 6 points. Which raises the question does this negate the original factory calibration which was based on less calibration points?
How do we use these 6 calibration points to calibrate the 600+?
There should be instructions in the manual for a "basic" calibration using these.

ihab17 Posted - 07/05/2023 : 02:04:28
Originally posted by Bobakman

Originally posted by EmfDev

Hi Bob, I believe it is 2.46. please email support with your serial number for the udpate.

Thank you Sir firmware on my 600+ has been successfully updated to revision 2.46.
Can you tell me what the improvements or fixes were in revision 2.46 from 2.45?

I have update my GMC 600+ to this latest version, namely 2.46, and from the short time I have had to test it, the only visible thing jumped to my eyes are the several calibration factors introduced. Previously they were 2, and now if I am not mistaken they are 4 or 5
Bobakman Posted - 07/03/2023 : 21:05:46
Originally posted by EmfDev

Hi Bob, I believe it is 2.46. please email support with your serial number for the udpate.

Thank you Sir firmware on my 600+ has been successfully updated to revision 2.46.
Can you tell me what the improvements or fixes were in revision 2.46 from 2.45?
Bobakman Posted - 07/02/2023 : 16:56:20
Originally posted by EmfDev

Hi Bob, I believe it is 2.46. please email support with your serial number for the udpate.

Thanks, Just sent you an E-Mail.
EmfDev Posted - 06/30/2023 : 10:13:48
Hi Bob, I believe it is 2.46. please email support with your serial number for the udpate.
Bobakman Posted - 06/30/2023 : 08:11:52
What is the current firmware revision for the 600+ as of today 06/30/2023? I am running 2.45 on mine.
Bobakman Posted - 05/09/2023 : 06:21:05
I was sent an E-mail today from GQ with the latest firmware update for my 600+ revision 2.45 which I updated today. Previous on my machine was 2.42.
I also requested a Firmware change log if available from at least 2.42 to the current revision, this too should be included in the "sticky".
ihab17 Posted - 05/09/2023 : 00:20:41
Originally posted by Bobakman

Originally posted by Jadeye

A sticky post with a list that contains the most recent version numbers and which then gets regularly updated when there's a new revision for any device, would still help a lot, even if the user needs to request the firmware file individually. :)

Agree! This way at least we will know when to submit a request for our firmware update.

Fully agree with your request. Please GQ, at least add a sticky note for the latest firmware, and it is up to us to request the FW updates based on our current Firmware
Bobakman Posted - 05/08/2023 : 16:58:51
Originally posted by Jadeye

A sticky post with a list that contains the most recent version numbers and which then gets regularly updated when there's a new revision for any device, would still help a lot, even if the user needs to request the firmware file individually. :)

Agree! This way at least we will know when to submit a request for our firmware update.
Jadeye Posted - 05/08/2023 : 11:37:50
A sticky post with a list that contains the most recent version numbers and which then gets regularly updated when there's a new revision for any device, would still help a lot, even if the user needs to request the firmware file individually. :)
EmfDev Posted - 05/08/2023 : 10:24:18
The firmware revision is tied to the device's serial number and if wrong firmware update is downloaded, the device may brick.
tedssled Posted - 05/07/2023 : 06:04:58
I concur. That would be MOST useful. As far as I can tell, there is no way to find out what the current version of firmware is for a given device other than the prevail upon EMFDev to check for us. A simple list with links would make life easier for us and EMFDev.

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