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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 Can't view download on laptop
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Posted - 10/10/2021 :  18:54:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi there,
I am new here. Please can someone help me coz i have no idea whats wrong. I can download my saved data to laptop but cant view it coz its saved in an unsup9 format with zero file size even though EMF shows i have about 300Kb size. I'm using Windows 10 pro
Reply #1


2271 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2021 :  10:12:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Sadee, I am assuming you clicked the "Download History" and want to view your file. Try to save the file on your Desktop folder. The files should be a .csv and .bin you can open the .csv file with Excel.
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Reply #2


United Kingdom
2 Posts

Posted - 04/04/2023 :  01:57:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am having what looks like the same sort of problem.
I have connected the 390 to my Windows 10 PC, and used the Download History function.
The data starts exporting to the software folder.
My first test I cancelled the export early as it was taking a while, but I have a second full export (second file is 3127Kb in size, but the export process said that the data was a lot less - conversion to .csv?)

The 'Load' Option in the software can see both files, but when I try to import the data the software crashes after 30 seconds or so.

If I try to browse the same folder in windows Explorer, the files don't exist and any attempt to load the .csv file in any other software gives me file not found errors.

I am writing to an NTFS formatted SSD, I haven't tested any other device yet (flash drive, physical hard drive, FAT32, FAT16).

GQ EMF Pro Software version: 3.67
Hardware: GQ-EMF390-v2
Rev: 3.72

I haven't tried running a chkdisk or similar to see if the file headers are corrupt, but it looks as though the software is writing the data in a non-standard or legacy way.

Is anyone doing anything special to run the software, or export the data?
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Reply #3


2271 Posts

Posted - 04/04/2023 :  10:28:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi davies99, the software cannot load the history file. Can you try to click the load on software to find the files, then copy them somewhere on your desktop. Then if it works, open the files with excel instead of the software.

It is possible also that the files are located on a different folder.
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Reply #4


United Kingdom
2 Posts

Posted - 04/04/2023 :  14:56:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ahh ok, thank you for clarification on that.
The load dialog is the only place I can see the file 'existing'.
Also - when I moved the folder containing the application, and my exports, the exports were left behind and still invisible to the OS (even the folder no longer existed), apart from within the load dialog.

Any attempt to use the path anywhere (copy / paste, send to.., etc) just gives me 'file does not exist' errors.

..... Update
I tried again, this time exporting to an SD Card (FAT32 formatted)
and the export of the .csv file worked.
I exported only the .csv file (previously I was exporting .csv and .bin, as it was the default setting).

Perhaps something in the way the software opens the files for reading doesn't play nicely with SSDs (lots of small writes perhaps, instead of writing to RAM and then to the disk)

@sadee - try a memory stick if you have one, this may work
@EmfDev - Let me know if there is anything else you want me to try, or more info you need. I am glad I found a workaround.

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