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17 Posts |
Posted - 04/27/2024 : 12:50:24
Hi all. I want to ask about the missing range 240MHz-1040MGz Band in GQ EMF-390V2. In the latest devices, this range has been replaced by 3 other ranges with incomplete coverage. I wish I had the full range. Is it possible to return this 240MHz-1040MGz Band? Can this be done using firmware? Thank you. |
Edited by - Palihh on 04/29/2024 01:26:14
Reply #1
17 Posts |
Posted - 04/28/2024 : 23:52:40
I'll ask again in a different way. The GQ EMF-390V2 device originally had this range (240 MHz-1040 MHz). Further, the device remained with the same name (390v2), that is, most likely nothing has actually changed inside. But the frequency division has changed: instead of one range (240 MHz-1040 MHz), there are three ranges: 300–348 MHz, 387–464 MHz and 779–928 MHz. In short, instead of expanding the ranges (which everyone would certainly welcome), on the contrary, the range is being cut. It is possible and most likely that this change was achieved only through new firmware. I have a question - why is this range cutting done? How can you (with the help of some possibly old firmware) return the extended range back? It's strange that no one has answered me yet. Does this fact interest anyone except me? I would like to hear answers to my questions from the developer. Thank you. |
Edited by - Palihh on 04/29/2024 01:29:23 |
Reply #2
2288 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2024 : 11:33:11
Hi Palihh, please check with to see if they still have old stock with 240-1040 band. It cannot be solved by firmware update. Must be sent back. |
Reply #3
17 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2024 : 11:50:05
Thanks for the answer. In this case, could you also explain to me in accessible language why this was done at all - replacing one, more complete range with three incomplete ranges? What was the point of this? Has it gotten better in some way? What exactly? Or did they deliberately worsen the characteristics? I just don't understand and I want to understand. Thank you. |
Reply #4
2288 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2024 : 12:04:40
The old chip is out of stock. New chip is faster but less range. |
Reply #5
17 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2024 : 12:22:39
Forgive me, but I still don't understand. What, it's all about a chip that doesn't exist? Has it stopped being made? And if you had this chip, would you continue to use it? After all, the characteristics of the range covered have deteriorated; the range has decreased. This is bad! Is not it so? Is this what you wanted to do?When all users say that they need to add this or that range to expand the capabilities of the device, on the contrary, you are cutting down the range covered!? What was the global meaning of this? |
Edited by - Palihh on 04/29/2024 12:25:54 |
Reply #6
2288 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2024 : 15:19:23
The chip with 240MHz - 1040MHz has been discontinued by the chip manufacturer and cannot find the exact replacement. That is why the chip was changed. It is at least better than removing the 240-1040 MHz completely. |
Reply #7
17 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2024 : 20:54:18
Now it has become clear. But this information made me sad. |
Reply #8
2288 Posts |
Posted - 04/30/2024 : 09:55:13
Sorry about that. Please check with support if we still have an old stock with the 240MHz-1040MHz. |
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