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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 Is EF Xrteme (Mixed) Near Water and Wood for you?
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Posted - 12/31/2023 :  12:05:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Electric Field EF is staying continuously over about 950 V/m when charging the EMF-390v2 with it sitting on a wood floor. I’m using a properly grounded US outlet (according to a 3 light receptacle tester.) The EF value becomes “Xtreme” when I hold the charging plugged in unit close to wood or interestingly, near a container of water. When I am still holding the unit in the exact same way, however, with the unit plugged in, but off the floor and away from water, the EF drops to around 250 V/m. When I unplug from the charger, the EF drops to about 2 V/m Normal.

Unplugged from the charger: EF rises to around 20V/m continuously if touching wood or a raised 5 gallon jug of water insulated from the floor. This is after all static discharges, which gives about a 50 V/m spike.

Can anyone do this test and let me know if this is the case for you?

One hypothesis is that the new cell tower(s) testing 24 GHz, etc., plus two different satellite links in my area have caused a general increase in molecular activation energies (non-thermal water and organic molecule reactivity increases) by bumping electrons into higher orbital shells. NOTE: Non-ionizing radiation does cause significant bimolecular changes. It doing so is a requirement, in fact, for human vision to work at all. Light causes molecular changes in the cones in the retina which cascades into neural impulses. That is molecularly, why we see. That doesn’t mean I can blame the mild electric shock feelings with each heartbeat, the vibrations, tinnitus, neck pain and headaches on EMF, but the triggering of voltage sensing ion calcium ion channels in our nerve cells is one concern some have.

Next up, location experiments: Charge and check EV in different locations while charging, including tests in wilderness with a battery pack. Thanks for any comparisons.

Xeno (EMF-390v2, GMC-320+)
Reply #1


6 Posts

Posted - 01/01/2024 :  07:58:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Happy New Year, 2024. Unplugging everything from the walls got EF on wood flood down to 2 V/m continuous with me not touching the meter. This, however, I still do not understand: The wood and 5 gallon jug of water drop right away if I stop holding the EMF-390v2 by the base of it, if I use the attached strap to break contact between the meter and my hand. Therefore, it isn’t the wood or water jugs holding a charge and showing 20-50 V/m continuous after static discharge, it is that these seem to be conducting electron flow to make EF from me personally. (?) I have no pacemaker or other devices in me, as far as I know. I still feel a vibrating mild electric shock and prickly palms w/each heart beat and mild headache this morning even with EF, EMF and RF at very near 0 by the EMF-390. In a side by side test, the $400 Safe and Sound Pro II did detect spikes that the EMF-390 did not, so I may get one to continue to try to rule out RF causes. Even if the health effect is from above 10GHz, or from pulses too rapid to detect, it is not charging anything but myself as far as detectible EF. The EMF-390 has been excellent at helping be narrow this down.

Xeno (EMF-390v2, GMC-320+)
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2288 Posts

Posted - 01/08/2024 :  10:21:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"It is normal that you are not getting AC EF readings in most of cases. Those are static EF. The static EF basically is static electricity, it exists almost anywhere and any object surfaces which may not need to be worried in cases of high reading. It always changes from one object to another. Many cases can have high static electricity in our daily life. For Example, when you take off your wool clothes, it may generate more than a 1000V static electricity. Also, Human body has electrostatic discharge (ESD, the flow of electricity between two electrically charged objects caused by contact). This impacts the EF reading too.

If your meter’s possible source showing “AC EF” and reading higher than 50V, then you may need to care about it. Otherwise, you may not have to worry, the meter just telling you there are static EF around you.
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