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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 GQ EMF-390 Calibration

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The Invisible Rainbow Posted - 03/21/2022 : 06:07:10
Is the GQ EMF-390 meter factory calibrated to zero EMF using a Faraday cage?

If not, is it possible to accurately calibrate the GQ EMF-390 meter to zero EMF by following the user guide instructions for the Initial Setup > Zero EMF Calibration and then quickly put it in a mobile phone Faraday wallet during the 10 second lowest EMF calibration scan?

GQ EMF-390 User Guide: Initial Setup > Zero EMF Calibration (pg. 15-16)
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 01/06/2023 : 13:45:25
please email your serial number to me or to and ask for the latest firmware update to your device.
Zak Posted - 01/04/2023 : 20:31:27
I checked the unit and the revision is 3.70. Is it up-to-date? If not, where can I get the latest firmware?
EmfDev Posted - 01/04/2023 : 17:48:49
Hi Zak, what is the firmware version on your device? The new firmware version has emf offset.
Zak Posted - 01/04/2023 : 15:37:39
Just got my EMF-390 v2 today and all my EMF readings seem to be 10 milligauss off. How do I use the EMF Factor feature on my device to correct for this discrepancy?
EmfDev Posted - 03/24/2022 : 09:33:25
I will let support know to update the user guide. The default for emf and ef factors should be 100%. It is multiplied to the readings to adjust. The density gain is 10. It has the same purpose.
The Invisible Rainbow Posted - 03/23/2022 : 19:10:10
Originally posted by EmfDev

1. Adjusting the EMF reading by a factor.
2. Yes.
3. Try using a faraday cage or where there is no emf and the reading should be 0 or close to 0 if there is low emf.

I looked through the 'Init Setup' menu and it has setup options for 'EMF Factor', 'EF Factor' and 'RF Density Gain'. However these aren't mentioned in the user manual.

Is there information somewhere you can point me to about how to set these up properly?
EmfDev Posted - 03/23/2022 : 10:05:20
1. Adjusting the EMF reading by a factor.
2. Yes.
3. Try using a faraday cage or where there is no emf and the reading should be 0 or close to 0 if there is low emf.
The Invisible Rainbow Posted - 03/23/2022 : 06:02:07
1) What is meant by 'EMF Factor' exactly?

2) Does that mean the GQ EMF-390 cannot be user zero EMF calibrated anymore?

3) How do I know/test if the unit is properly calibrated to zero EMF?

EmfDev Posted - 03/21/2022 : 10:40:11
Hi Invisible Rainbow, the zero EMF calibration has now been removed and changed to EMF Factor.

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