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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 High EF

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kc Posted - 06/24/2024 : 11:59:53
I have several concerns, but the main one today.

I cannot get under 10V/M anywhere in my house. Kids beds near wall are 52V/M. House I'm moving to is 93 at some outlets.
Now....I'm on an acreage, and about 200ft into our field I'm still getting readings of 15 to 20. I'm I cannot visually see my own house or any neighbour's. Atleast 200ft from all buildings.
I've read we should be close to 1v/M but I cannot even get that outdoors.
(Nothing is even plugged in, and the new house is completely empty... school I registered the kids in has a cell tower less than 100m dealing with that right now)...and a 5G small cell 50 m new house. (Though facing the opposite readings aren't as bad.
They are everywhere in town and I have 4 small kids.

Anyway....trying to figure out the accuracy of reader is as I am making a lot of decisions right now.

I'm actually stressign
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 06/25/2024 : 09:50:29
Do not worry too much about EF if there is no EMF since most likely those are just static EF and is present anywhere.

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