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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 GQ-390 EMF reading vs Duke Energy's

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Steve41075 Posted - 05/23/2024 : 06:08:20

I have taken reading around my house and get very high EMF reading (200'ish gM) at the smart meter, dimmer switches, and other places as expected. I contacted my utility company, Duke, and they came out with their Emdex Snap 3-Axis Magnetic Field Survey Meter and it showed low EMF readings at approximately 20mG while touching the meter and nothing to speak of at the dimmer switches.

Does anyone know if the GQ-390 and the Emdex Snap measure EMF differently?

Thanks in advance!

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 05/24/2024 : 16:17:29
Did you mean the measurements are in mG? Or are you measuring in RF mR/m2?
Steve41075 Posted - 05/24/2024 : 02:59:42
I contacted the mfg of the Duke meter and think the answer has been found. This is their response:

Most smart meters produce RF fields which are much higher than the Electric/Magnetic fields of A/C electricity. The frequency of operation is typically in the 902 MHz and 2.4 GHz bands for RF. The frequency range for the EMDEX SNAP meter is 40-1000Hz. RF frequency is out of the range of an EMDEX SNAP meter.

The net is, Duke will NEVER find a high EMF reading if their entire workforce is armed with a meter that doesn't detect above 1000Hz.
Steve41075 Posted - 05/23/2024 : 06:42:52
Duke called with some more information. There are 2 types of smart meters: cellular and mesh. I have mesh which means all the smart meters form a grid and pass information between the houses on their way back to Duke.

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