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 2.GQ Geiger Muller Counter
 Device History Memory Parsing

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
wikilicious Posted - 01/25/2024 : 18:27:09
I've come across an issue I don't understand…

b"\x55\xaa\x00" means the next 9 bytes are context data… reference_time(decade year, month, day, hour, minute, second), and save_mode (OFF, CPS-per-second, CPM-per-minute, CPM-per-hour, CPS-threshold, CPM-threshold)

If no modifier context is observed… I would've expected "CPM-per-minute" to yield a count per minute until the next reference timestamp (context data).

However… While writing test cases... I've observed a piece of device memory history that breaks my history parser…

Below is the exact snippet of history data that's causing the issue. Python (starts with context data, includes the issue, goes to the next context data, includes a few counts and then ends.)

Device I have in my notes "GMC-320Re 4.26"

Here is how the data was parsed:
"parser-time" is fabricated using context reference time & count-unit...
0   parser-time=2020-07-26 13:46:17 | count=469 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
1   parser-time=2020-07-26 13:47:17 | count=527 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
2   parser-time=2020-07-26 13:48:17 | count=469 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
3   parser-time=2020-07-26 13:49:17 | count=467 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
4   parser-time=2020-07-26 13:50:17 | count=457 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
5   parser-time=2020-07-26 13:51:17 | count=464 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
6   parser-time=2020-07-26 13:52:17 | count=498 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
7   parser-time=2020-07-26 13:53:17 | count=482 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
8   parser-time=2020-07-26 13:54:17 | count=470 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
9   parser-time=2020-07-26 13:55:17 | count=453 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
10  parser-time=2020-07-26 13:56:17 | count=501 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
11  parser-time=2020-07-26 13:57:17 | count=446 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
12  parser-time=2020-07-26 13:58:17 | count=480 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
13  parser-time=2020-07-26 13:59:17 | count=423 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
14  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:00:17 | count=482 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
15  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:01:17 | count=456 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
16  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:02:17 | count=461 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
17  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:03:17 | count=397 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
18  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:04:17 | count=151 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
19  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:05:17 | count=142 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
20  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:06:17 | count=131 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
21  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:07:17 | count=173 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
22  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:08:17 | count=254 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
23  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:09:17 | count=230 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
24  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:10:17 | count=215 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
25  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:11:17 | count=259 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
26  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:12:17 | count=240 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
27  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:13:17 | count=216 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
28  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:14:17 | count=242 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
29  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:15:17 | count=302 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
30  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:16:17 | count=269 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
31  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:17:17 | count=256 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
32  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:18:17 | count=287 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
33  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:19:17 | count=229 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
34  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:20:17 | count=263 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
35  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:21:17 | count=263 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
36  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:22:17 | count=227 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
37  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:23:17 | count=281 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
38  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:24:17 | count=278 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
39  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:25:17 | count=242 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
40  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:26:17 | count=253 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
41  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:27:17 | count=264 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
42  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:28:17 | count=254 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
43  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:29:17 | count=264 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
44  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:30:17 | count=257 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
45  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:31:17 | count=277 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
46  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:32:17 | count=272 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
47  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:33:17 | count=85  | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
48  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:34:17 | count=160 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
49  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:35:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
50  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:36:17 | count=16  | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
51  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:37:17 | count=5   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
52  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:38:17 | count=10  | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
53  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:39:17 | count=1   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
54  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:40:17 | count=1   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
55  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:41:17 | count=2   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
56  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:42:17 | count=68  | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
57  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:43:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
58  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:44:17 | count=2   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
59  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:45:17 | count=1   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
60  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:46:17 | count=1   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
61  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:47:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
62  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:48:17 | count=1   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
63  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:49:17 | count=136 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
64  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:50:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
65  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:51:17 | count=1   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
66  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:52:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
67  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:53:17 | count=20  | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
68  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:54:17 | count=168 | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
69  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:55:17 | count=1   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
70  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:56:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
71  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:57:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
72  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:58:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
73  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:59:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
74  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:00:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
75  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:01:17 | count=1   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
76  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:02:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
77  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:03:17 | count=5   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
78  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:04:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
79  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:05:17 | count=1   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
80  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:06:17 | count=1   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
81  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:07:17 | count=2   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
82  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:08:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
83  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:09:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
84  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:10:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
85  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:11:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
86  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:12:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
87  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:13:17 | count=5   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
88  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:14:17 | count=10  | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
89  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:15:17 | count=1   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
90  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:16:17 | count=1   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
91  parser-time=2020-07-26 15:17:17 | count=0   | ref_time=2020-07-26 13:45:17
92  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:46:37 | count=264 | ref_time=2020-07-26 14:45:37
93  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:47:37 | count=242 | ref_time=2020-07-26 14:45:37
94  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:48:37 | count=254 | ref_time=2020-07-26 14:45:37
95  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:49:37 | count=220 | ref_time=2020-07-26 14:45:37
96  parser-time=2020-07-26 14:50:37 | count=228 | ref_time=2020-07-26 14:45:37

You can see at row 91-92... Timestamps break
And... a CPM=0 next to high counts is... sus

I did get discouraged by reading this:
b"\x55\xaa\x02" could be flag for notes/location data OR triple-byte-count-data
Nope, not supporting that nonsense.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ullix Posted - 09/15/2024 : 01:12:30
@wikilicious: thanks for posting the data at the GeigerLog site

Yes, you have found yet another bug in the firmware of GMC counters related to history. There are multiple other bugs in it, to which I have programmed workarounds in the GeigerLog code. Your find adds a new bug.

I was wondering how GeigerLog handles this, and here I am pleased to see:
- GeigerLog ignores wrong and/or incomplete commands
- and continuous with the next parse-able command
- the stuff in between is ignored

This is not what the original intention was, but one will never know what this was, as it had never been written!

ullix Posted - 09/14/2024 : 00:48:15
55 AA 05 55 AA 02 04 54 45 53 54

Re your weird data: what does GeigerLog think about it?

Can you read your full history.bin file into GeigerLog, and then find in the "Show History with Parse Comments" what comments GeigerLog made at this byte sequence?
wikilicious Posted - 09/10/2024 : 16:22:59
Thanks ullix!

I grabbed my GMC-500+Re 2.22 to investigate...

I did find tube selection and found it in the history data...
However, I also found some weird data.

55 AA 05 55 AA 02 04 54 45 53 54

It started the tube-selection sequence but never recorded the selection. It abruptly started the command sequence for adding notes... I added 'TEST' as a note.

It doesn't always cut off like that for notes... but I did observe a few cases exactly as above.

55 AA 05 55 AA 00 18 09 09 10 00 07 55

It started tube selection sequence then abruptly changed to reference time & save mode.

ullix Posted - 09/08/2024 : 23:25:47
What does "55 AA 05 00" mean?

This is tube selection. See details in the GeigerLog code:
# tube selection: 55 AA 05 followed with tube ID, and 00 = both, 1 = tube1, and 2 is tube2
wikilicious Posted - 09/08/2024 : 13:53:21
I came across a command sequence that I don't know how to handle: "55 AA 05 00"

Here's what the raw device data looks like:

                                  (device turned on)
55 AA 05 00                       (unknown)
55 AA 00 18 09 03 13 14 2D AA 02  (reference datetime & context)
55 AA 05 00                       (unknown)
55 AA 00 18 09 03 13 14 30 AA 02  (reference datetime & context)
55 AA 05 00                       (unknown)
55 AA 00 18 09 03 13 14 34 AA 02  (reference datetime & context)
55 AA 05 00                       (unknown)
55 AA 00 18 09 03 13 14 37 AA 02  (reference datetime & context)
55 AA 01 09 25                    (first count data)
                                  (normal data followed)

The unknown sequence was followed by the command for a reference datetime and data context a few times before finally recording a two-byte count '\x09\x25' 2341.
The rest of the data recorded normally.
Device: 'GMC-600+Re 2.52'

What does "55 AA 05 00" mean?
Erwin55 Posted - 01/31/2024 : 09:45:09
I can't see any problems with the counter. My parser output, in the region of your snipped, is shown in the figure attached.
wikilicious Posted - 01/30/2024 : 17:24:34
It's for making unit tests for the Python package
Definitely not a true recording... just trying to identify edge cases and account for them. I had started in 2020 but only recently had time to resume the project.

Using the snippet from reply#2 I can confirm pygmc & GeigerLog parsed the counts identically and match the reference datetime... just one difference...

|    |      datetime       | count | unit |     mode     | reference_datetime  | GeigerLog Count | GeigerLog Datetime  |
| 0  | 2020-07-26 13:46:17 |  469  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       469       | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |
| 1  | 2020-07-26 13:47:17 |  527  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       527       | 2020-07-26 13:46:17 |
| 2  | 2020-07-26 13:48:17 |  469  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       469       | 2020-07-26 13:47:17 |
| 3  | 2020-07-26 13:49:17 |  467  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       467       | 2020-07-26 13:48:17 |
| 4  | 2020-07-26 13:50:17 |  457  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       457       | 2020-07-26 13:49:17 |
| 5  | 2020-07-26 13:51:17 |  464  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       464       | 2020-07-26 13:50:17 |
| 6  | 2020-07-26 13:52:17 |  498  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       498       | 2020-07-26 13:51:17 |
| 7  | 2020-07-26 13:53:17 |  482  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       482       | 2020-07-26 13:52:17 |
| 8  | 2020-07-26 13:54:17 |  470  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       470       | 2020-07-26 13:53:17 |
| 9  | 2020-07-26 13:55:17 |  453  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       453       | 2020-07-26 13:54:17 |
| 10 | 2020-07-26 13:56:17 |  501  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       501       | 2020-07-26 13:55:17 |
| 11 | 2020-07-26 13:57:17 |  446  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       446       | 2020-07-26 13:56:17 |
| 12 | 2020-07-26 13:58:17 |  480  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       480       | 2020-07-26 13:57:17 |
| 13 | 2020-07-26 13:59:17 |  423  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       423       | 2020-07-26 13:58:17 |
| 14 | 2020-07-26 14:00:17 |  482  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       482       | 2020-07-26 13:59:17 |
| 15 | 2020-07-26 14:01:17 |  456  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       456       | 2020-07-26 14:00:17 |
| 16 | 2020-07-26 14:02:17 |  461  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       461       | 2020-07-26 14:01:17 |
| 17 | 2020-07-26 14:03:17 |  397  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       397       | 2020-07-26 14:02:17 |
| 18 | 2020-07-26 14:04:17 |  151  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       151       | 2020-07-26 14:03:17 |
| 19 | 2020-07-26 14:05:17 |  142  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       142       | 2020-07-26 14:04:17 |
| 20 | 2020-07-26 14:06:17 |  131  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       131       | 2020-07-26 14:05:17 |
| 21 | 2020-07-26 14:07:17 |  173  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       173       | 2020-07-26 14:06:17 |
| 22 | 2020-07-26 14:08:17 |  254  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       254       | 2020-07-26 14:07:17 |
| 23 | 2020-07-26 14:09:17 |  230  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       230       | 2020-07-26 14:08:17 |
| 24 | 2020-07-26 14:10:17 |  215  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       215       | 2020-07-26 14:09:17 |
| 25 | 2020-07-26 14:11:17 |  259  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       259       | 2020-07-26 14:10:17 |
| 26 | 2020-07-26 14:12:17 |  240  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       240       | 2020-07-26 14:11:17 |
| 27 | 2020-07-26 14:13:17 |  216  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       216       | 2020-07-26 14:12:17 |
| 28 | 2020-07-26 14:14:17 |  242  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       242       | 2020-07-26 14:13:17 |
| 29 | 2020-07-26 14:15:17 |  302  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       302       | 2020-07-26 14:14:17 |
| 30 | 2020-07-26 14:16:17 |  269  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       269       | 2020-07-26 14:15:17 |
| 31 | 2020-07-26 14:17:17 |  256  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       256       | 2020-07-26 14:16:17 |
| 32 | 2020-07-26 14:18:17 |  287  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       287       | 2020-07-26 14:17:17 |
| 33 | 2020-07-26 14:19:17 |  229  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       229       | 2020-07-26 14:18:17 |
| 34 | 2020-07-26 14:20:17 |  263  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       263       | 2020-07-26 14:19:17 |
| 35 | 2020-07-26 14:21:17 |  263  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       263       | 2020-07-26 14:20:17 |
| 36 | 2020-07-26 14:22:17 |  227  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       227       | 2020-07-26 14:21:17 |
| 37 | 2020-07-26 14:23:17 |  281  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       281       | 2020-07-26 14:22:17 |
| 38 | 2020-07-26 14:24:17 |  278  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       278       | 2020-07-26 14:23:17 |
| 39 | 2020-07-26 14:25:17 |  242  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       242       | 2020-07-26 14:24:17 |
| 40 | 2020-07-26 14:26:17 |  253  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       253       | 2020-07-26 14:25:17 |
| 41 | 2020-07-26 14:27:17 |  264  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       264       | 2020-07-26 14:26:17 |
| 42 | 2020-07-26 14:28:17 |  254  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       254       | 2020-07-26 14:27:17 |
| 43 | 2020-07-26 14:29:17 |  264  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       264       | 2020-07-26 14:28:17 |
| 44 | 2020-07-26 14:30:17 |  257  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       257       | 2020-07-26 14:29:17 |
| 45 | 2020-07-26 14:31:17 |  277  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       277       | 2020-07-26 14:30:17 |
| 46 | 2020-07-26 14:32:17 |  272  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       272       | 2020-07-26 14:31:17 |
| 47 | 2020-07-26 14:33:17 |  85   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       85        | 2020-07-26 14:32:17 |
| 48 | 2020-07-26 14:34:17 |  160  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       160       | 2020-07-26 14:33:17 |
| 49 | 2020-07-26 14:35:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 14:34:17 |
| 50 | 2020-07-26 14:36:17 |  16   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       16        | 2020-07-26 14:35:17 |
| 51 | 2020-07-26 14:37:17 |   5   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        5        | 2020-07-26 14:36:17 |
| 52 | 2020-07-26 14:38:17 |  10   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       10        | 2020-07-26 14:37:17 |
| 53 | 2020-07-26 14:39:17 |   1   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        1        | 2020-07-26 14:38:17 |
| 54 | 2020-07-26 14:40:17 |   1   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        1        | 2020-07-26 14:39:17 |
| 55 | 2020-07-26 14:41:17 |   2   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        2        | 2020-07-26 14:40:17 |
| 56 | 2020-07-26 14:42:17 |  68   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       68        | 2020-07-26 14:41:17 |
| 57 | 2020-07-26 14:43:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 14:42:17 |
| 58 | 2020-07-26 14:44:17 |   2   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        2        | 2020-07-26 14:43:17 |
| 59 | 2020-07-26 14:45:17 |   1   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        1        | 2020-07-26 14:44:17 |
| 60 | 2020-07-26 14:46:17 |   1   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        1        | 2020-07-26 14:45:17 |
| 61 | 2020-07-26 14:47:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 14:46:17 |
| 62 | 2020-07-26 14:48:17 |   1   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        1        | 2020-07-26 14:47:17 |
| 63 | 2020-07-26 14:49:17 |  136  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       136       | 2020-07-26 14:48:17 |
| 64 | 2020-07-26 14:50:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 14:49:17 |
| 65 | 2020-07-26 14:51:17 |   1   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        1        | 2020-07-26 14:50:17 |
| 66 | 2020-07-26 14:52:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 14:51:17 |
| 67 | 2020-07-26 14:53:17 |  20   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       20        | 2020-07-26 14:52:17 |
| 68 | 2020-07-26 14:54:17 |  168  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       168       | 2020-07-26 14:53:17 |
| 69 | 2020-07-26 14:55:17 |   1   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        1        | 2020-07-26 14:54:17 |
| 70 | 2020-07-26 14:56:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 14:55:17 |
| 71 | 2020-07-26 14:57:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 14:56:17 |
| 72 | 2020-07-26 14:58:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 14:57:17 |
| 73 | 2020-07-26 14:59:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 14:58:17 |
| 74 | 2020-07-26 15:00:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 14:59:17 |
| 75 | 2020-07-26 15:01:17 |   1   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        1        | 2020-07-26 15:00:17 |
| 76 | 2020-07-26 15:02:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 15:01:17 |
| 77 | 2020-07-26 15:03:17 |   5   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        5        | 2020-07-26 15:02:17 |
| 78 | 2020-07-26 15:04:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 15:03:17 |
| 79 | 2020-07-26 15:05:17 |   1   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        1        | 2020-07-26 15:04:17 |
| 80 | 2020-07-26 15:06:17 |   1   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        1        | 2020-07-26 15:05:17 |
| 81 | 2020-07-26 15:07:17 |   2   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        2        | 2020-07-26 15:06:17 |
| 82 | 2020-07-26 15:08:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 15:07:17 |
| 83 | 2020-07-26 15:09:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 15:08:17 |
| 84 | 2020-07-26 15:10:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 15:09:17 |
| 85 | 2020-07-26 15:11:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 15:10:17 |
| 86 | 2020-07-26 15:12:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 15:11:17 |
| 87 | 2020-07-26 15:13:17 |   5   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        5        | 2020-07-26 15:12:17 |
| 88 | 2020-07-26 15:14:17 |  10   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |       10        | 2020-07-26 15:13:17 |
| 89 | 2020-07-26 15:15:17 |   1   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        1        | 2020-07-26 15:14:17 |
| 90 | 2020-07-26 15:16:17 |   1   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        1        | 2020-07-26 15:15:17 |
| 91 | 2020-07-26 15:17:17 |   0   | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 13:45:17 |        0        | 2020-07-26 15:16:17 |
| 92 | 2020-07-26 14:46:37 |  264  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 14:45:37 |       264       | 2020-07-26 14:45:37 |
| 93 | 2020-07-26 14:47:37 |  242  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 14:45:37 |       242       | 2020-07-26 14:46:37 |
| 94 | 2020-07-26 14:48:37 |  254  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 14:45:37 |       254       | 2020-07-26 14:47:37 |
| 95 | 2020-07-26 14:49:37 |  220  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 14:45:37 |       220       | 2020-07-26 14:48:37 |
| 96 | 2020-07-26 14:50:37 |  228  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 14:45:37 |       228       | 2020-07-26 14:49:37 |
| 97 | 2020-07-26 14:51:37 |  272  | CPM  | every minute | 2020-07-26 14:45:37 |       272       | 2020-07-26 14:50:37 |

To reiterate... I have switched between CPM & CPS and observed the timeline continuum +/- CONSERVED in the parser (data in github).
The case here confuses me because there was no context data indicating a change.
The conclusion I'm drawing is... @ullix GeigerLog - a goto/path-finder on this forum... Either the device glitched or I somehow didn't save it correctly.

Erwin55 Posted - 01/30/2024 : 07:12:15
Only in addition to Ullix statement: I think the counter time was corrected during the recording. Hence, there are some overlapping data. I avoid correcting the time even if I would like to do it. In my GMC-320 the RTC is about 22 seconds faster than the "real realtime". I correct this after the record is finished, if I have to.
ullix Posted - 01/29/2024 : 23:53:31
I loaded your data into GeigerLog and don't see anything wrong with it.

The database is uploaded here:

Here is the resulting graph:

The CPS data are only a tiny fraction (magenta-circled), and do look somewhat strange, as if things were changed during recording.

The CPM data also are too variable to draw any conclusions, but there is no clear indication for an invalid recording.

In the data are many 0x55 values, which GeigerLog recognized as valid data, and NOT as tags! Like here:
999, 2020-07-26 14:32:17,   85.0,,,,,,,, ---0x55 is genuine, no tag code---CPM, save every minute
Can you rule out that your parser got tripped by those non-tags?

A last comment: I see you also tested the threshold-saving:
#     622, 2020-07-26 12:44:52, DateTime Stamp; Type:'CPS, save every second if exceeding threshold', Interval:1 sec
#     634, 2020-07-26 12:44:53, DateTime Stamp; Type:'CPM, save every minute if exceeding threshold', Interval:60 sec
While ok for testing I strongly suggest to NEVER use this misguided setting for true recordings! We are not dealing with temperature or with voltage, but we are dealing with count rates with a Poisson distribution. Such threshold savings only distort your data!
wikilicious Posted - 01/29/2024 : 17:34:27
I uploaded the data on sourceforge today.


What kind of source did you use? Did you change the source during recording?

It was a check source on a CDV-700. It was a few years ago... I likely did move it around a bit.


Are you sure that no switch between "save every minute" to "save every second" occurred?

I actually have that as a unit test:
I switch between different save modes to make sure the parser can handle it...
The device writes context data (reference time & save mode) every time a mode is switched.
So switching between CPS and CPM would've been fine.

I got suspicious with the `85 160 0` counts... it's close to `85 170 0` which specifies context data... I was wondering if it's some undocumented history structure.
ullix Posted - 01/28/2024 : 22:27:41
I do not see the problem. Could you post an original History download? See my Reply#1 for a possible location for the posting.

Your count rates in your original post are a bit peculiar. What kind of source did you use? Did you change the source during recording?

The jumps from ~500 down to ~250 down to 0...2, with occasional jumps up to 168 do not make sense. If the high numbers were CPM, then values of 0...2 for CPM are simply impossible, as background values will typically be around CPM=15...20! Unless, of course, the counter is defect.

Are you sure that no switch between "save every minute" to "save every second" occurred? If the time delta were only 1 sec, while you counted them as 1 min, it would almost explain the jump in your parser time in line 92!

Can you repeat this issue with a new recording of either a background count rate or a high count rate, or is that specific to that one recording?
wikilicious Posted - 01/28/2024 : 13:34:46
I was able to install GeigerLog and I see the same issue.
Below is the snippet I used to check - I included the slice of raw memory data that's causing the issue.

For CPM save every minute mode, I was expecting 60 counts until the next reference timestamp (accounting for notes and 2byte data) however...
The device started outputting some erratic data then later recovered at the next reference timestamp but... it outputted more than 60 counts.

import gdev_gmc_hist
import gglobs

raw = b'U\xaa\x00\x14\x07\x1a\r-\x11U\xaa\x02U\xaa\x02\x03ABCU\xaa\x01\x01\xd5U\xaa\x01\x02\x0fU\xaa\x01\x01\xd5U\xaa\x01\x01\xd3U\xaa\x01\x01\xc9U\xaa\x01\x01\xd0U\xaa\x01\x01\xf2U\xaa\x01\x01\xe2U\xaa\x01\x01\xd6U\xaa\x01\x01\xc5U\xaa\x01\x01\xf5U\xaa\x01\x01\xbeU\xaa\x01\x01\xe0U\xaa\x01\x01\xa7U\xaa\x01\x01\xe2U\xaa\x01\x01\xc8U\xaa\x01\x01\xcdU\xaa\x01\x01\x8d\x97\x8e\x83\xad\xfe\xe6\xd7U\xaa\x01\x01\x03\xf0\xd8\xf2U\xaa\x01\x01.U\xaa\x01\x01\rU\xaa\x01\x01\x00U\xaa\x01\x01\x1f\xe5U\xaa\x01\x01\x07U\xaa\x01\x01\x07\xe3U\xaa\x01\x01\x19U\xaa\x01\x01\x16\xf2\xfdU\xaa\x01\x01\x08\xfeU\xaa\x01\x01\x08U\xaa\x01\x01\x01U\xaa\x01\x01\x15U\xaa\x01\x01\x10U\xa0\x00\x10\x05\n\x01\x01\x02D\x00\x02\x01\x01\x00\x01\x88\x00\x01\x00\x14\xa8\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x05\x00\x01\x01\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\n\x01\x01\x00U\xaa\x00\x14\x07\x1a\x0e-%U\xaa\x02U\xaa\x02\x03ABCU\xaa\x01\x01\x08\xf2\xfe\xdc\xe4U\xaa\x01\x01\x10U\xaa\x01\x01\x02'


for item in gglobs.HistoryDataList:

I did notice one difference in your parser - mine is ahead by one minute.
I assumed the reference timestamp was written when recording starts - then the first cpm data is written a minute later.
ullix Posted - 01/27/2024 : 01:38:52
The history storage is a rather poor design, and made additionally complicated by unfortunate changes in firmware.

I believe it works correctly in GeigerLog for all firmwares out there. If not, I'll take a look.

But please, test with GeigerLog ( ) and report results.

If you have data to upload, it may be best done at the GeigerLog Discussion site:

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