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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 Spectrum Analyzer Always Showing Microwaves

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norealpower Posted - 12/15/2023 : 11:52:11

When I use the rf spectrum analyzer with the GQ emf-390 v2 I always register microwave readings even if I'm out somewhere that shouldn't have them. 2.431 ghz -70ish dbm is popular among a few others; the screen almost looks static, with the arrow jumping around. Maybe the correct question would be , what should the RF spectrum screen look like in a base environment such as a Faraday cage or presumed environment free of microwaves. Thanks in advance.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
norealpower Posted - 12/21/2023 : 07:15:11
Originally posted by EmfDev

Is it the first time you saw this or it happened ever since you got it?

That is a good question, I'm not sure; I didn't use the spectrum analyzer for about a year.

If the microwave antenna on the printed circuit board was exposed to excessive humidity could it degrade enough to dirty the signal that it picks up. The antenna would be oxidized in sections? I opened it up yesterday and cleaned it with air and the microwave signals remain.

The spectrum analyzer overall is very sensitive and picks up what it should, microwave oven, router, etc.
EmfDev Posted - 12/20/2023 : 17:15:28
Is it the first time you saw this or it happened ever since you got it?
norealpower Posted - 12/19/2023 : 06:29:31
Originally posted by EmfDev

maybe those are noise? do they happen all the time?

Yes they are constant. I even put the meter in a air tight container and placed it in 4 feet of water and the reading was slightly diminished but there. My next idea was to take it underground when I can find a good cave or mine.
EmfDev Posted - 12/18/2023 : 17:43:27
maybe those are noise? do they happen all the time?

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