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 2.GQ Geiger Muller Counter
 CPM alarm setting - VERY SLOW

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UnstableIsotope Posted - 12/06/2023 : 10:00:20
I made the mistake of trying the CPM alarm setting. It is VERY cumbersome to say the least.

After pressing the UP button a number of time I realized that the only way to decrease the alarm value was 1 count at a time. There is no acceleration routine for decreasing the CPM alarm value. So, I figured I would roll it over. I don't even know if that can be done. So now, I have a CPM alarm value of 1754 and a quick attempt revealed that it would take 17 MINUTES of continuous button holding the reduce the value back to 100!!!

The MEDIUM and HIGH threshold settings from the User menu are implemented in a similar way. It's easy to push to a high value but it takes VERY LONG to reduce the value. That's not a good implementation.

Please tell me that a factory reset isn't the only way to handle these values when they have been increased too far.

If it is, I might request that these options get some attention in the next firmware update.

All menu controls like this for numeric adjustment, should consistently employ a decent acceleration routine for increasing or decreasing values making for an intuitive and smooth user experience. Basically, the longer the button is held down, the faster the value increases or decreases. This has become the industry-standard way to handle coarse and fine adjustment of a parameter using only a single button.
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EmfDev Posted - 12/06/2023 : 14:03:07
Thank you for your feedback, will send it to the devs.

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