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 2.GQ Geiger Muller Counter
 Try home tiles

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1967 Posted - 10/11/2022 : 12:18:57
Hello everyone, I have recently owned a gmc 600+ and today I tested the tiles in my house.
I understand that the radioactivity is almost three times that of the fund. On some occasions I have barely exceeded 150 bpm. Is this the same for you? what do you think?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
1967 Posted - 10/12/2022 : 06:53:22
yes it is true. I did the test and you're right. blocking the betas I reached from 70 cpm to 105 cmp (two minutes of trial)
ullix Posted - 10/11/2022 : 23:44:42
The result is quite possible. What you see is probably the Potassium content, aka K40, of the tiles.

As K40 is a strong beta emitter (and minor gamma emitter), you can further discriminate your measurements by putting a stack of paper, like 10 sheets of copy paper, between tiles and counter. You should see a significant drop of counts.

For reasons behind this see "Potty Training"

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