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 2.GQ Geiger Muller Counter
 Firmware Update für GMC-320+

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DrWackelzahn Posted - 02/25/2022 : 13:50:32
Dear Sirs,
I'm facing a few problems with my GMC-320+ mentioned in this forum. There seems to be a firmware update for these devices but I couldn't find it.
I onw the following:

Model: GMC-320+V5
Revision: Re 5.11
Serial: F4XXXXXXXX97

Thanks for your help!
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 02/12/2024 : 10:48:18
@paranormal, please email your device number to or use my profile email to send it.
paranormal Posted - 02/09/2024 : 13:50:57

I'm not able to locate the newest firmware file(s) for my GMC-320+. Can someone email me the newest version of firmware for this device? Thanks in advance!

Pertinent info:

Model: GMC-320+V4
Revision: Re 4.09

Thanks for your help!
DrWackelzahn Posted - 03/05/2022 : 00:19:32
Perfect! Thank you, almost everything works now perfectly. Now wlan connection is possible. Thanks a lot!
EmfDev Posted - 03/03/2022 : 11:15:53
sent email for other two. Please download them to the correct devices.

@ullix I believe the reason for serial number firmware is to avoid other from just using the firmware to a counterfeit.
ullix Posted - 03/03/2022 : 00:04:34
I'm not able to read the serial number from the third device (updated with the wrong firmware update). Neither by software (data viewer -> terminal) nor by the display, as it seems to be stuck at the starting display showing "GMC-320 (+V5)".
This implies that despite the updates supposedly being serial number dependent, even with the wrong serial number at least part of the upgrade is progressing, thereby ruining the counter! Oh,Oh.

It really is time to remove this serial-number dependent upgrade thingy.


By the way none of my GMC's are able to transmit the serial number by software (terminal) sending GETSERIAL. The result of GETSERIAL is: "F4 88 00 CE 08 14 C7" and "ôˆÎÇ"
This is the expected result. From the docu of the getserial command:
# Get serial number
# send <GETSERIAL>> and read 7 bytes
# each nibble of 4 bit is a single hex digit of a 14 character serial number
# e.g.: F488007E051234
Looks like you do have the SN (F48800CE0814C7); the cryptic part should be 7 characters - 3 chars are missing probably because they are non-printable chars.
DrWackelzahn Posted - 03/02/2022 : 21:13:28
Yes the first one updating the correct GMC-320+V5 works. Some issues seem to be fixed other are still present. E.g. reading data from the device with data logger or data viewer results in a mess of characters.
So for now I need an other firmware update for serial number: F4xxxxxxxxxx1D

I'm not able to read the serial number from the third device (updated with the wrong firmware update). Neither by software (data viewer -> terminal) nor by the display, as it seems to be stuck at the starting display showing "GMC-320 (+V5)".

By the way none of my GMC's are able to transmit the serial number by software (terminal) sending GETSERIAL. The result of GETSERIAL is: "F4 xx xx xx xx xx C7" and "ôˆÎÇ"
EmfDev Posted - 03/02/2022 : 11:24:03
Different serial number will have different firmware update.

Does the first one work?

For the other two, we need to flash the correct firmware.
Please send the command GETSERIAL using the Data Viewer and email it to me so I can generate the correct firmware.
DrWackelzahn Posted - 03/02/2022 : 01:16:56
Thank you. Does this FW Update fit for the other two counters (Same Type, different Serialnumber) as well?

I guess I've mixed the three counters up. They are all GMC-300+ V5 but of course different serialnumbers. I've installed the FW update in one of them, now the display shows only GMC-320 (+V5) nothing else, even when pressing a button.
It's possible to read by software (Data Logger, Data Viewer and Geigerlog) and it's also possible to write to it but the display only changes when shutting down is initiated by software. Next startup it shows GMC-320 (+V5) again.
I hope there is a way to read the original serial number of the device and to update it.

Fingers crossed!

P.S.: The other GMC-320+ V5 Revision 5.11 serialnumber is F4xxxxxxxxxx1D
EmfDev Posted - 03/01/2022 : 18:18:32
Hi DrWackelzahn, sent you an email.

@malezet, replied to your other post.
malezet Posted - 02/28/2022 : 14:49:53
I have problem with this device too. 320+V5 Revision 5.20
Measured values are too high.
About 4 uSv/h, should be 0.2 max

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