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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 First battery Ñharge EMF-390

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Green Peace Posted - 04/05/2021 : 08:44:55
Hi :)

Please tell me how many Hours it takes to make the First charge of the battery in the EMF-390 after the purchase, before using the device ?

Will it need to be charged for 16 hours straight, like GP Ni-MH batteries ?

Thank you :) for training ...
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 02/18/2025 : 12:00:00
You can stop charging at 100%. Ignore the animation since the backlight is also consuming power so it thinks it still needs to charge.
Tony Posted - 02/18/2025 : 07:05:06
Hi, I recently purchased the GQ 390, it arrived with a 100% battery charge, so I used it straight away for a few days, then when the battery was almost at the end of its charge, I recharged it for the first time, after a few hours, I read on the display that the battery was 100% charged but the battery icon is still moving, my question is: when is the charge complete when it says 100% even if the icon is still moving, or do you have to leave it charging until the icon and the barrier signal fill up and stop? Thanks
kbfifi Posted - 02/16/2024 : 04:28:03
Hi EmfDev, thanks for thinking with me! I've used the meter for some days now. Works just fine. Just recharged it back to 100% in the hope it was an initial behaviour. But it still keeps showing animating battery icon. So I guess it may be because of an FW update or the manual not being accurate. I consider the 100% info as leading and ignore the the animating icon.
EmfDev Posted - 02/14/2024 : 11:09:40
Hi kbfifi, this may be because the backlight level is too high. I think 100% should be around the 4.1V so it is ok remove it from charging.
kbfifi Posted - 02/13/2024 : 06:44:57
Hi, received my EMC-390 yesterday. Is still charging since then! (24h as of now) Meaning: It shows" "Charging... 100%" from the start. The documentation states that the charging is complted when the battery icon stops flashing. It is still flashing. Reading this topic charging can be slow but it is to be expected that new models are mostly almost fully charged. Any suggestions?
Green Peace Posted - 04/06/2021 : 23:45:21
Thank you :) EmfDev !

The Meter has already received a 100 % battery charge, more than 4 Volts of charge.

The Meter works perfectly and shows detailed information about the surrounding EMF levels
EmfDev Posted - 04/06/2021 : 10:32:50
Hi Green Peace, probably around few hours/minutes. It usually comes almost fully charged but occasionally it comes half the charge.

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