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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 EMF-390 How Is General RF Antenna Oriented

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rfrazier Posted - 08/13/2020 : 10:15:53
EMFDev, I am still in doubt as to the exact orientation of the general RF antenna (not the spectrum analyzer antennas). Can you post a photo of the correct way to hold the meter when facing a cell tower so I get the maximum RF reading assuming the cell tower has vertically polarized antennas? Thanks. Ron
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EmfDev Posted - 08/20/2020 : 10:05:30
Yes that is correct.
rfrazier Posted - 08/19/2020 : 17:56:37
Hi emfdev, thanks for posting that. It helps me understand what's going on. It appears that, if you're holding the meter in portrait mode in front of you with the screen facing you, that it could receive RF from a source also in front of you through the antenna on the main PCB. It also appears that if you're holding the meter with the screen facing up and the curved surface in front of you, that it could receive RF from a source in front of you through the antenna on the secondary PCB, through the curved surface. Do you (or other readers) think that sounds correct? Thanks for the help. Ron
EmfDev Posted - 08/19/2020 : 10:01:19
Here is how it looks like:

rfrazier Posted - 08/18/2020 : 10:40:34
Thanks for the gesture. But, do you really want everybody reading this to open their units. Doesn't matter to me one way or the other. But wouldn't it be easier to post a photo of the circuit board and general RF antenna here? Then, if that wasn't sufficient, I could think about opening the device. I may send you an email to get confirmation on the warranty issue. Thanks. Ron
EmfDev Posted - 08/17/2020 : 09:46:28
In this special case, you can open the case without voiding the warranty and take a look inside the device.
rfrazier Posted - 08/14/2020 : 19:10:17
Thanks, but, I cannot open the case without voiding my warranty according to a sticker on one of the screws. Would it be possible to provide a photo of the internal circuit board? Thanks. Ron
EmfDev Posted - 08/14/2020 : 09:15:41
Let me see, part of the antenna in on or part of the PCB and part of the antenna is perpendicular to the PCB.

If you open case, it is located on the top left corner above the LCD connector.

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