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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 Code for Output of data

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moeknows164 Posted - 06/22/2020 : 02:44:03
Is it possible to get a copy of the code how the data is sent to Excel
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mserdag Posted - 01/18/2024 : 05:40:35
Hi, i copy this code and translate to python, the only thing is that the code

ef.uc[0] = DATA[i++];
ef.uc[1] = DATA[i++];
ef.uc[2] = DATA[i++];
ef.uc[3] = DATA[i++];

rf.uc[0] = DATA[i++];
rf.uc[1] = DATA[i++];
rf.uc[2] = DATA[i++];
rf.uc[3] = DATA[i++];

is not the same result that when i use your software, the rest of all, i read the same data, what i do wrong?
EmfDev Posted - 06/23/2020 : 09:47:23
First you have to use the SPIR command to fetch the raw data from the unit. The end of the data can be regcognized by 0xFF 0xFF means no data in there.

after fetching the data you have to decode.

code is something like this

typedef union floatUnionT {
float f;
unsigned char uc[4];
floatUnionT emf, ef, rf;
for(unsigned long i = 0; i < END_OF_DATA; )
unsigned char byte1 = DATA[i++];
unsigned char byte2 = DATA[i++];
if((byte1 == 0x55) && (byte2 == 0xAA)) // time
unsigned char time[6];
for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++) time[j] = DATA[i++];
else if((byte1 == 0xAA) && (byte2 == 0x55)) // data
unsigned char byte3 = DATA[i++];
unsigned char byte4 = DATA[i++];
unsigned int temp = ((unsigned int) byte3 << 8) | byte4;
unsigned int emf_int = (temp >> 4) & 0x0FFF;
unsigned char emf_dec = temp & 0x0F;
emf.f = (emf_int + emf_dec/10); // emf.f is emf float

ef.uc[0] = DATA[i++];
ef.uc[1] = DATA[i++];
ef.uc[2] = DATA[i++];
ef.uc[3] = DATA[i++];

rf.uc[0] = DATA[i++];
rf.uc[1] = DATA[i++];
rf.uc[2] = DATA[i++];
rf.uc[3] = DATA[i++];

float mwm2 = rf.f/100000;
float mwcm2 = rf.f/1000000000;

// Possible Source
char sbuf[16];
if(DATA[i] == 0x5A)
unsigned char s = DATA[i+1];
if(s == 0) sprintf(sbuf, "---");
else if(s == 1) sprintf(sbuf, "Smart Meter");
else if(s == 2) sprintf(sbuf, "Cell Tower");
else if(s == 3) sprintf(sbuf, "Microwave");
else if(s == 4) sprintf(sbuf, "WiFi/Phone");
else if(s == 5) sprintf(sbuf, "Static");
else if(s == 6) sprintf(sbuf, "AC EF");
else if(s == 7) sprintf(sbuf, "Power Line");
else sprintf(sbuf, "Mixed");
moeknows164 Posted - 06/22/2020 : 19:45:43
It is for the history data
EmfDev Posted - 06/22/2020 : 09:53:00
Hi moeknows164, is it for the history data? or for the graph data?

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