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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 EMF-390 424 MHz

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hberg Posted - 11/16/2024 : 03:48:18

i've tested the EMF-390 in my small emf chamber, and while nearly all frequencies are blocked, it seems there is still something showing on the emf browser:

It is not affected beeing inside or outside the chamber.

What is that? Thanks.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Simomax Posted - 11/21/2024 : 01:24:20
I see exactly the same peak with my unit. I suspect this is coming from the unit internally.

EmfDev Posted - 11/19/2024 : 17:56:53
Yes it shows on most devices looks like.
hberg Posted - 11/19/2024 : 00:49:29
Hi EmfDev,

does it show up on your device?
EmfDev Posted - 11/18/2024 : 11:41:13
Hi hberg, it could be machine noise from itself.
hberg Posted - 11/17/2024 : 00:52:39

tested the device at different places, in the car, outside the car, the 424 MHz signal is always there without change of power.
This looks like the device is faulty.

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