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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 emf390 logging frequencies

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frequencyfinder Posted - 07/14/2024 : 00:35:35
Is this device capable of recording the actual frequency in the data log? You know, just like you see in table mode. Why does it just provide a "Possible source" column rather than the actual frequency that is derived from that? Why isn't it just the same log as we see in table mode? Why leave off the most crucial bit of information, the frequency itself?

Also what frequency ranges do they all stand for? Cell phone=?, wifi/phone=?, power line=?, etc
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 07/17/2024 : 09:54:42
The frequency result range is limited. And the source is derived from EMF, EF, and RF combined.
frequencyfinder Posted - 07/15/2024 : 18:41:24
also where does it derive the "source" of the signal from?
frequencyfinder Posted - 07/15/2024 : 18:39:57
according to the GQ EMF Device Communication Protocol, it does give a frequency when you parse the data

For example, from the documentation:


Return: 10.2mW/m2(868 MHz)

Firmware supported: EMF360, EMF360+, EMF380, EMF360v2***, EMF360+v2***, EMF380v2***, EMF390***
EmfDev Posted - 07/15/2024 : 10:18:23
It does not record the frequency as it cannot cover all the frequencies from 10MHz to 10GHz. It can only display frequencies that are also present in spectrum mode.

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