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 500+ Tube 1 mode. Tube 2 Off? Unchanged %?

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UnstableIsotope Posted - 12/09/2023 : 07:54:24
Two questions:

- In Single Tube 2 mode I have seen that Tube 1 is powered down according to the voltage display. In single Tube 1 mode it is not apparent from the tube voltage displays if Tube 2 is ever powered off since the percentage display remains the same value as it did in Dual Tube or Tube 2 mode. Is Tube 2 powered down in Tube 1 mode?

- Why do the tube voltage percentages remain constant even when a tube is powered off? Are these percentages just the voltage settings?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
yvonne910rhodes Posted - 03/30/2024 : 01:42:03
Originally posted by yvonne910rhodes

Originally posted by UnstableIsotope

Two questions:

- In Single Tube 2 mode I have seen that Tube 1 is powered down according to the voltage display. In single Tube 1 mode it is not apparent from the tube voltage displays if Tube 2 is ever powered off since the percentage display remains the same value as it did in Dual Tube or Tube 2 mode. Is Tube 2 powered down in Tube 1 mode?

- Why do the tube voltage percentages remain constant even when a tube is powered off? Are these percentages just the voltage settings?


In single Tube 1 mode, it’s likely that Tube 2 is powered down even if it’s not immediately apparent from the voltage displays. The percentage display you’re seeing could indeed be just the voltage settings rather than a real-time representation of the tube’s power status. This is because the voltage settings are often preset values that determine the operating conditions for the tubes, and they may not change in response to a tube being powered on or off.

The constant percentage could also be a user interface design choice, where the display is meant to show the set voltage levels rather than the actual power being used by the tubes at any given moment. It’s important to note that tube equipment can have different power management systems, and the specifics can vary based on the design and model of the equipment.

I hope the information may helps you.

Is this information was worked for you or not?
yvonne910rhodes Posted - 03/30/2024 : 01:38:56
Originally posted by UnstableIsotope

Two questions:

- In Single Tube 2 mode I have seen that Tube 1 is powered down according to the voltage display. In single Tube 1 mode it is not apparent from the tube voltage displays if Tube 2 is ever powered off since the percentage display remains the same value as it did in Dual Tube or Tube 2 mode. Is Tube 2 powered down in Tube 1 mode?

- Why do the tube voltage percentages remain constant even when a tube is powered off? Are these percentages just the voltage settings?


In single Tube 1 mode, it’s likely that Tube 2 is powered down even if it’s not immediately apparent from the voltage displays. The percentage display you’re seeing could indeed be just the voltage settings rather than a real-time representation of the tube’s power status. This is because the voltage settings are often preset values that determine the operating conditions for the tubes, and they may not change in response to a tube being powered on or off.

The constant percentage could also be a user interface design choice, where the display is meant to show the set voltage levels rather than the actual power being used by the tubes at any given moment. It’s important to note that tube equipment can have different power management systems, and the specifics can vary based on the design and model of the equipment.

I hope the information may helps you.

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