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 2.GQ Geiger Muller Counter
 New GMC-800

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lars.dietrich Posted - 01/14/2024 : 10:32:58
I have added the new GMC-800 to my large collection of Geiger counters. The entire UI is very clear and beautifully designed. The interaction with the four buttons is well thought out. The housing is very handy, cleanly finished and sturdy. A real always-on device.
The readings of background and a few lower radiation sources are similar to the other devices with the same counter.
So far I only have one (major) problem for which I can't find a solution: I can't find a way to reset the dosimeter back to zero. The Graphic Mode also uses the Average, Max and Total values calculated on all data. Deleting the history does not reset it.
The only workaround is "Factory Reset", but surely this should not be the right way, because it also resets all settings. Have I overlooked something?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 06/05/2024 : 11:31:22
The 1.09 does have the reset dose option.
bzzz Posted - 06/04/2024 : 14:17:38
My recently purchased GMC-800 has "Menu / Save Data / Reset Dose", and that seems to reset the dosimeter.

"Menu / About" indicates that firmware revision Re1.09 is loaded (same as yours, but apparently not?)
mattia84 Posted - 03/07/2024 : 08:23:46
thank you so much. The model 800 is a great device. I love it!
Originally posted by EmfDev

Hi mattia84, that is the latest firmware update for the GMC-800.

EmfDev Posted - 03/06/2024 : 14:44:32
Hi mattia84, that is the latest firmware update for the GMC-800.
mattia84 Posted - 03/06/2024 : 13:00:49
There is an update of the firmware for the GMC-800? My revision is Re 1.09 Thanks
EmfDev Posted - 01/16/2024 : 13:54:11
Hi lars, that is a good suggestion as the GMC-500/+ have the feature to reset the dose.

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