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 2.GQ Geiger Muller Counter
 Feature suggestion: sync time with time server

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sebastian Posted - 02/09/2024 : 15:42:02
The only trouble I have with my 500+ is that the date/time of the unit shifts significantly after, say, a week or so. Will be very helpful if it can synchronize its clock with a network time server. It¡¦s not connected to PC, have to set the clock manual from time to time, and the log timestamp interval will be shortened or lengthened at the re-synchronization.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 04/15/2024 : 09:51:24
Out team is working on making the clock better.
the_mike Posted - 04/15/2024 : 08:17:07
Since the clock-issue seems to be a problem for all GMC, i'd suggest to simply add a little RealTime-Clock to the board. would be a lesser drain on the battery than a wlan-connection and an NTP-sync which, due to the current lack of an RTC will go out of sync in no time (pun intented)...
Bobakman Posted - 02/14/2024 : 20:57:06
Same with my 600+ the clock is horrible at keeping correct time. I hope a fix such as you suggested is soon to be released in the next firmware update if it can.
Otherwise I love GeigerLog since it has a feature to sync the GMC Geiger counter clock to the PC time while using the program, a must when working with the data, which GeigerLog excels at hands down.
EmfDev Posted - 02/12/2024 : 10:49:29
@sebastian, we are working on making the clock stable and your suggestion is actually really good. I will pass it to our team.

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