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 2.GQ Geiger Muller Counter
 600+ going crazy while charging

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livewire Posted - 08/19/2023 : 14:02:55
Had the 600+ just over a week now. Not done a full charge until today. As arrived with a good charge, did give some charge a few days ago.
It had turned off over night so needed charging up. first full charge i have given it. looked at it after it had been on several hours. took hold of it and was scrolling through the menu.
When it started to bleep a bit (speaker is off) and started to give a high reading. put the unit down and it was just bleeping with a high reading.
Turned it off. turned it on, it was ok. But when I handled it, it once again went crazy.
Disconnected from charging (removing usb lead) handling, using the unit it worked as it should giving a steady background and responding to some LowSalt (my current test source)
So seems to be during charging, will get a video if it does it again.
usb cable seems to be a good nice tight fit in to the unit (not lose)
will also try another charger?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
livewire Posted - 08/31/2023 : 12:31:30
Replaced the original lead with a new one. Now charges with no issue. So must be a short / bad pin connections on the lead. The meter was certainly not happy.
livewire Posted - 08/25/2023 : 04:45:28
Think it is the lead, tried another psu. seems to malfunction when moving the lead about. thought it could had been the unit, but if its disconnected from unit its fine. just need to get a new lead, that was the one that came with the device. Dont know if i have got any of those usb types as mostly micro usb or type c now.
EmfDev Posted - 08/21/2023 : 11:51:27
Hi livewire, if it happens consistently please try to use a different cable. Or does it happen when you touch specific place on the device? Or happens randomly.

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