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 2.GQ Geiger Muller Counter
 GMC 600+ Stuck At Zero CPM

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tksirius Posted - 03/01/2023 : 09:52:13
I've rarely used this thing and it's only 2 years old, but it's now not reading anything. Does anyone know if this can be caused by old software? It has 2.18. I don't see anywhere on the website to download a newer version.
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EmfDev Posted - 09/19/2023 : 13:39:38
It is best to send it back to us to fully check it. It may not be the tube issue. Please contact support for the procedure.
ullix Posted - 09/18/2023 : 20:55:59
I ordered the M4011 geiger tube t

You can still use this tube to determine whether the tube is the problem. Open the case of the 600, and remove connections to the 600 tube, and make connections to the M4011. You can even make connections using lab cables and crocodile clamps. Make these wires as short as possible.

You should get counts - expect around CPM=20. If not, then there is an electronic defect
tksirius Posted - 09/18/2023 : 17:21:02
Well, increasing the voltage only lasted so long. Even at 100%, it doesn't register anything. Unfortunately, I ordered the M4011 geiger tube thinking it is what the 600+ used. I should have checked before ordering, oh well. Is there anything else I could try to get this thing working or am I just at the point I have to get a new one?
EmfDev Posted - 03/02/2023 : 11:36:38
Yea please email support for firmware updates. You can also try increasing voltage by about 3-15% and see if it can work.
tksirius Posted - 03/01/2023 : 15:44:33
Originally posted by EmfDev

Hi tksirius, have you tried doing a factory reset? Please email support with your serial number so they can check for firmware updates for your device.

Yep, did a reset twice. I was just curious because I saw another comment that a bad tube caused the same problem. Hopefully, new firmware can fix it.
EmfDev Posted - 03/01/2023 : 12:01:44
Hi tksirius, have you tried doing a factory reset? Please email support with your serial number so they can check for firmware updates for your device.

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