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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 Serial connection & protocol

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Electron Posted - 01/09/2023 : 05:23:14
Dear all,

These days I am playing with an EMF-390 V2, which I intend to turn into an MQTT node (first using a PC running Python, later an Arduino or similar running Micropython).

But for this I need to get the communication running. The manual tells about serial communication (using 119200 8N1). But the only way to communicate with the device seems to be the vendor software (GQ EMF Pro 3.67 on Windows). So far, I had no luck accessing the device using a serial console.

The device itself appears as a valid COM device (/dev/ttyUSB0 on Linux, respectively as COM5 on my Windows machine). I have tried minicom (Linux) and PuTTY (both, Linux & Windows) without success.

Has anyone experience in this respect and can provide me some guidance / hints?

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juanmanuelluz Posted - 01/17/2023 : 15:25:45
Hi, Electron. I could use the comm in a PC with windows 10. With Docklight to send commands and receive. All was ok. You try to use Arduino? I try but it doesn´t respond. I use Arduino Due with Native USB. But not response for now.
EmfDev Posted - 01/11/2023 : 12:42:20
Thats great! Does it also not work after you send a dummy <>> command? this should clear the serial buffer for the next command.
Electron Posted - 01/10/2023 : 10:07:46
Sorry, I made a typo. It's actually 115200, 8N1, no flow control.

I actually got it to work. The problem seems to be that when anything other than a valid command is entered into a terminal, communication is instantly interrupted. That can't be made to work again with any other input.

The only way to get it talking again is to turn the device off, stop the terminal session, disconnect and reconnect the USB cable, and then restart the terminal.

So, this should not be an issue when using a program or script.
EmfDev Posted - 01/09/2023 : 11:41:44
Hi Electron, please check the baudrate should be 115200. No parity. Stop 1 bit.

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