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 500+ Accelerometer Single/Double Tap?

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UnstableIsotope Posted - 12/05/2023 : 20:02:09

Page 26 in the manual

"The internal digital accelerometer is able to provide real-time gyroscope data. It displays current unit X, Y, Z axis data and detected motion event. Such as single tap OR double tap."

Does tapping actually do anything useful?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
UnstableIsotope Posted - 12/22/2023 : 10:20:50
Originally posted by EmfDev

Not sure if it wakes up the unit when power saving option is enabled.

I does not wake the unit even if Screen Swivel (rotation) is enabled.

At this point (v 2.52), the accelerometer doesn't serve much of a useful purpose. It only enables the backlight when screen rotation is enabled and only for a complete 90 or 180 degree rotation. It could be used to conveniently wake the unit or turn on the backlight without requiring screen rotation but it doesn't do any of those things. These should be simple mods to the software that many users would appreciate.
geomarcos Posted - 12/18/2023 : 09:43:33
I don't know for what the accelerometers ares used. The only place I find is to set the horizontal and vertical screen mode.

UnstableIsotope Posted - 12/06/2023 : 18:01:25
I'll try that.
EmfDev Posted - 12/06/2023 : 13:57:31
Not sure if it wakes up the unit when power saving option is enabled.

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