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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 Panasonic portable phones
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Posted - 07/22/2020 :  16:53:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My wife has/loves her Panasonic PNLC1073 XA portable phones. I'm slowly educating her on the harm they're doing to both of us, but she can't feel it. I CAN! As a first strep, I have the base station on a timer to kill the power at night. I took readings with the power off, and the base station reads "0", but the base station phone is emitting signal... 75mW/m2. The two remote phones read "0". Until I can convince my wife to be rid of the portables (or maybe convert them to VOIP - possible???? ) this is a first step. I know a lot about some things, but almost nothing about EMF issues... on STEEP learning curve. Any thoughts to help this very senior citizen out?

Garth...who needs safer internet, not more internet!
Reply #1


2234 Posts

Posted - 07/23/2020 :  10:43:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It is better to use phones with chords of course. For the portable phones, try to put it on speaker when using or do not use it too much when not on speaker.
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Reply #2


44 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2020 :  20:13:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Livelyite

My wife has/loves her Panasonic PNLC1073 XA portable phones. I'm slowly educating her on the harm they're doing to both of us, but she can't feel it. I CAN! As a first strep, I have the base station on a timer to kill the power at night. I took readings with the power off, and the base station reads "0", but the base station phone is emitting signal... 75mW/m2. The two remote phones read "0". Until I can convince my wife to be rid of the portables (or maybe convert them to VOIP - possible???? ) this is a first step. I know a lot about some things, but almost nothing about EMF issues... on STEEP learning curve. Any thoughts to help this very senior citizen out?

Hi Garth (assuming that's your name from your signature. The short answer is ... it's complicated (as you said). But, I'll try to point you to some information and resources that will hopefully help. Do not be discouraged. Take things a bit at a time, and ask questions when you don't understand something. Some of those resources are other posts I've written on this forum. I'll provide links to those below. My posts have the name rfrazier toward the left. If you have questions on what I write, and you post here, and if I see it, I'll be glad to reply. If you need to, you can click on my user name to the left and then click on another link to send me an email through the forum. I don't work for GQ Electronics. I'm just an owner and user of a GQ EMF-390 who's studying and training on EMF's.

Any wireless phone, whether cordless phone, or cell phone, or bluetooth, generates radio frequencies (RF) that can be harmful at close range. I have actually decommissioned 3-4 cordless phones since starting to study this issue. And, I was in love with my phones too. The best way to do phone calls in a house is with a corded phone and landline service. Our landline service comes through our cable TV provider.

Both cordless phones and bluetooth devices radiate whether you're on a phone call or not in general. Smart cell phones radiate every few seconds unless you turn off mobile data and wifi. Even then a smart phone radiates when it switches cell towers. Of course, all wireless devices radiate when they're on a call, or sending or receiving texts or data.

I noticed you're in Canada. You MAY be a bit better off with your cordless phone than we are in the US. US cordless phones usually radiate a REALLY strong signal even if not in use. I wouldn't want to be in the room with it. Your Canadian phone may have some option in the menu to reduce power, and / or radiate only during a call. You'll have to check the manual. I couldn't find the manual online.

Here are some general rules. 1) Distance is your friend. Keep the base as far away from people (and pets) as practical. Of course, that may make it harder to charge the phone. If you're turning off the base, the handset is probably less likely to radiate if it's on the base, in some cases. The advice from EmfDev to use speaker phone is good advice. Turn on the speaker, and hold the handset as far away as practical while still getting good call quality (for whomever you're talking to). Of course, you give up privacy. 2) Reducing exposure time is your friend. For long calls, try to use a corded phone rather than the cordless. 3) Turning things off is your friend, as you mentioned. Of course, a phone that's off isn't a phone, it's a brick. That's when having the corded phone comes in handy to receive calls. If you're dealing with a smart cell phone, if you've turned off mobile data and wifi, it greatly reduces radiation when not in use, and you can still receive calls.

The first thing you need to know when taking measurements of RF is that you cannot be too close. This is due to a phenomenon call near field far field, which I go into in detail in the posts I'll link to. Essentially, electric fields and magnetic fields combine to make radio fields or radio frequencies (RF). But, they take a certain amount of distance from the source to do that. If you are two close to the source, you won't get valid numeric readings. That distance depends on the wavelength of the RF wave. That wavelength gets shorter with higher frequency. You need to have your meter at least 3 wavelengths away from the source. For example, if you're measuring a source at 600 MHz or .6 GHz, such as a cell phone which might (sometimes) operate on that frequency, your meter must be 5 feet away from the source to get an accurate numeric reading. I believe your phone operates at 2.4 GHz. If that's true, your meter must be 15" (inches) from the source to get an accurate numeric reading. Now, it IS true that the field gets stronger when you're closer. That's why it's never good to have a transmitter near your head. But, you cannot get an accurate numeric measurement when closer than these distances for the examples given. Putting the meter right next to the phone will NOT give accurate readings.

Take a look at the other threads below if you wish. Look for my posts with the name rfrazier. (Of course, you can read the other posts too. 8-) ) Take it a little at a time and hang in there. You can learn things a bit at a time.

If your wife is willing to cooperate, you and she could do some blind tests where she shuts off the phone and the base without telling you and you can see if you feel it. May or may not work, but it's a thought.

Other forum posts.

How to sweet talk your GQ EMF-390

5G Images

near field questions

EMF-390 - Help me, i am scared with this.

Hope it helps.



Ron Frazier - In training with the Building Biology Institute ( to become an independent Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS). We measure, document, analyze, and recommend mitigations for harmful EMF exposures.
All my statements are mine alone though.
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