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 1.Geiger Counter World Map(
 Manually Submiting Data Problems/ Suggestions
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Posted - 02/26/2023 :  02:17:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello, I tried out the maps for the fist time yesterday and noticed a few things.

Fist, when I manully submit data, there is only a field for the cpm number but not for uS/h, only when I click on the e mail link to edit it; I can give a uS/h number.

Second, when I go to edit I have the option to add a Nickname, but it's not showing on the map.

Third, I don't have the possibility to say what type of counter I have so it just says Unknown on the map.

after I tried that, I made an account. But I noticed, that it's only usefull for the automatic submission of data.

I would find it far more useful if you could also manage manual submissions in your account aswell, because it seems that I can only ever edit or delete the manual submissions if i keep the e-mails. Is that correct?

If that is correct then I would suggest to have a seperate manual submission feature in your account, where you can see and edit your submissions. Because looking through the forum I saw some need of posting history data. and when you're going places measuring stuff you can't always automatticly submit data.

Reply #1


2285 Posts

Posted - 02/27/2023 :  11:53:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Joni, thank you for letting us know about that and we will check it. In the mean time you can use this sample link from automatically submit data to manually submit data to the map:
You may need to create a couple geiger counters to your account that corresponds to the correct address.

just enter it to any browser and your data should be updated on the map.
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