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 5. GQ Power Supply
 GQ-3005-3D Power Supply

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Goggles T Posted - 04/27/2021 : 08:01:43
I recently received this unit from a friend with a missing Potentiometer, I need a replacement for it. Is there a replacement that you would recommend?

Many Thanks
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Goggles T Posted - 04/30/2021 : 14:39:22
Hey, this was resolved and the new parts are on the way. Thanks for all the help.
EmfDev Posted - 04/27/2021 : 15:43:53
Hi Goggles T. Can you please email support, they might have it. I already let them know. And are you sure the unit is still working and that it is going to work after you put the potentiometer?
Goggles T Posted - 04/27/2021 : 13:30:36
For sure!

Its missing the left most one labeled circuit 1

EmfDev Posted - 04/27/2021 : 11:37:24
Hi Goggles_T. Can you please take a picture or tell us which potentiometer is missing?

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