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 1.Geiger Counter World Map(
 Map MArker only shows acpm

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NeilC Posted - 04/14/2017 : 07:56:12
Recently I changed my Geiger counter.I added the new counter then deleted the old one as they are at the same location.

Since the change over the marker on the map shows 0 all the time. If you click on the marker it shows acpm and microsieverts but no cpm. The history data also shows acpm and sieverts but no cpm.

where have I messed up?


7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 11/06/2023 : 14:46:44
@Gallaxial, you have to purchase the license for the Data Logger PRO software. You can do this by clicking the File button and then Order. Or you can download the free Data Viewer software.
Gallaxial Posted - 11/06/2023 : 09:40:46
How to REG the Software , i have a Serial but did not unregister on the old computer and Block me , 'GQ Geiger Counter Data Logger PRO'
NeilC Posted - 04/25/2017 : 23:00:37
I checked the software version. I was using 5.51 the latest is 5.52. I updated and things seem OK now.

Thank you for your help.

NeilC Posted - 04/25/2017 : 15:18:34
Hi. I am using GQ GMC Data Logger Pro V 5.51

I have tried restarting but to no effect.

Thanks for your help

ZLM Posted - 04/24/2017 : 10:04:17
I see it.

Your CPM is in ACPM location. No sieverts.

It seems the software related. What version of software you are using? Can you try restart the software?

NeilC Posted - 04/18/2017 : 08:49:39
UK in the NW between Liverpool and Manchester


ZLM Posted - 04/17/2017 : 22:50:39
What is your counter location data on map?

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