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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 The alarm is inoperable.

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chennan Posted - 11/26/2024 : 20:36:02
Hello, I am the user of GQ-EMF5160 machine, and the version of my machine is Re 1.02.
I currently encounter two issues:
The first issue is that I have set up alarm sounds and LED blinking, but when any one of the three values EMF, EF, or RF exceeds the threshold,
I can't hear the alarm sound or see the LED flashing. I have confirmed that I have turned on the alarm sound and LED switches and set a lower threshold value, so I suspect it might be due to an outdated firmware version. This brings up my second question:
I understand that the 5160 is a Chinese version of the EMF-390 V2, so I would like to ask if this version allows for firmware upgrades? What are the methods for upgrading?
Thank you for your support, and I hope to resolve the issue with no alarm function as well as update to the latest firmware.

#24744;#22909;#65292;#25105;#26159;GQ-EMF5160#36825;#20010;#26426;#22120;#30340;#29992;#25143;#65292;#26426;#22120;#29256;#26412;#26159;Re 1.02
#25105;#20102;#35299;#21040;5160#26159;390 v2#30340;#20013;#25991;#29256;#65292;#25152;#20197;#25105;#24819;#38382;#39064;#19979;#65292;#25105;#36825;#20010;#29256;#26412;#21487;#20197;#21319;#32423;#22266;#20214;#21527;#65311;#21319;#32423;#26041;#27861;#26159;#20160;#20040;#65311;

Additionally, I would like to ask a question: what are the three thresholds set for this instrument? What values are considered safe and harmless, and if there are any related parameters standards?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 11/29/2024 : 11:50:22
Send you serial number to support.
chennan Posted - 11/27/2024 : 22:04:49

Also, I'd like to ask where I can get the firmware version 1.05. And how do I update it after getting it?

Originally posted by EmfDev

Which mode are you using? The alarm only triggers if the the reading in the middle (EMF / EF / RF whichever one is selected) is higher than the threshold.

The 5160 has firmware updates to 1.04 or 1.05 not sure but it does not affect the alarm.

You can find the safe readings here:

chennan Posted - 11/27/2024 : 21:59:31

In the three-in-one interface, if I switch to the right side and the RF exceeds its threshold, it triggers an alarm. However, the other two parameters do not trigger an alarm even if they exceed their respective thresholds, or if the RF is not on the right side, no alarm is triggered. I believe this is a bug. Ideally, in the three-in-one interface, any parameter that exceeds its threshold should trigger an alarm prompt. At a minimum, it should be possible to set which values, when exceeded, will trigger an alarm. I hope this issue can be resolved through a firmware update.

Originally posted by EmfDev

Which mode are you using? The alarm only triggers if the the reading in the middle (EMF / EF / RF whichever one is selected) is higher than the threshold.

The 5160 has firmware updates to 1.04 or 1.05 not sure but it does not affect the alarm.

You can find the safe readings here:

EmfDev Posted - 11/27/2024 : 12:26:09
Which mode are you using? The alarm only triggers if the the reading in the middle (EMF / EF / RF whichever one is selected) is higher than the threshold.

The 5160 has firmware updates to 1.04 or 1.05 not sure but it does not affect the alarm.

You can find the safe readings here:

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