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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 need a new firmware gqelectronics emf390

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tartaria70 Posted - 03/21/2024 : 09:34:23
hello QGelectronics.
I am a owner of GQ emf 390 v2.
I need features that are possible
to ad in the device but are not present.

1) in "all in one" mode : can select
source (electric line/wifi/cell tower ++)
and displays the frequency like it does in
"vertical mode" (first reading ,Rf on top).

2)in Rf spectrum .
range is capped from 50 mhz 2.4 ghz for a device
that detects 10 ghz.

wish you can help with this
making the device even best
rated one (yet so good in ytbe).
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tartaria70 Posted - 03/21/2024 : 17:14:06
thank you sir.
EmfDev Posted - 03/21/2024 : 09:47:08
Hi tartaria70, thank you for your feedback. The all in one does not display the frequency for RF, but you can see it in vertical mode. The AllInOne mode already has too much information and does not have the space to put more. I will forward it to our team to check. As for RF Spectrum, this is an extra advanced feature and is using different sensors than the 10MHz - 10GHz RF detection in AllInOne Mode and RF Browser.

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