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T O P I C    R E V I E W Posted - 10/22/2022 : 09:27:17
My readings are really high should I be worried? Or does my unit need calibration?
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 11/08/2022 : 16:09:25
Hi hugh, you may check other areas and see if the readings are still high.
GBG12 Posted - 11/06/2022 : 18:45:38
The first thing is to rule out real radiation to put your mind at ease. There are nearby public radiation sites that show no unusal readings:
- a sensor near Allentown on this (GCMaps) site currently shows 39 for a GMC-600+, not unusual
- a sensor in Florence NJ on shows nothing unusual
- the EPA sites in Edison NJ and Philadelphia show nothing unusual

A local source may be present, but without another GM tube to validate yours with, it's harder to trust your readings. Is there any variation as you move the unit around indoors and outdoors? Does it show a range of values above and below the average? These should fit a poisson statistical curve as stated in other forum topics. A known radioactive source such as Uranium beads should cause a reaction (if your counter is sensitive enough, Potassium salt can be used). Posted - 11/03/2022 : 18:25:12
Originally posted by EmfDev

Main Menu -> Init Setup -> Factory Reset -> Yes -> Wait for popup.

. Still showing high radiation
EmfDev Posted - 11/03/2022 : 09:26:15
Main Menu -> Init Setup -> Factory Reset -> Yes -> Wait for popup. Posted - 11/01/2022 : 02:02:30
Originally posted by EmfDev

Hi Hugh, have you tried doing a factory reset on the device?

How do I do that?
EmfDev Posted - 10/31/2022 : 10:04:49
Hi Hugh, have you tried doing a factory reset on the device? Posted - 10/27/2022 : 18:14:17
search wharton brewing in New Jersey, USA Posted - 10/27/2022 : 18:11:34
61 sv/h
EmfDev Posted - 10/25/2022 : 10:17:53
Hi Hugh, can you please verify the readings?

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