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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 Low EMF measurement in high EMF area

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kurkina Posted - 10/12/2022 : 10:30:09
Hi, I am new to this measuring tool and I have noticed that it reads only if very close to the source. I have seen measurements over 100 mixed EMF when less than 1 inch distance from for example power line. What I was very interested in is seeing what would be a reading while being at work which I know affects me a lot in long term. (I have trouble resting, I need to ground as often as possible). I am sitting in the building surrounded by hundreds of computers, few server rooms, about 5-10 feet from two different wifi routers, VR sensors and glasses on my desk, two computers on my own, four screens... Whatever electronic or technology you can imagine on a large scale is around me. But the reading is always only 0.6 mG (Normal). COULD THAT POSSIBLY BE AN ACCURATE READING? I would really appreciate some help I am trying to really figure out the exposure and lower it as much as possible but I am having hard time understanding the readings if they are so low in such a high EMF area.
Thank you for your help in advance!
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 10/13/2022 : 09:19:15
Hi kurkina, high emf usually is present close to high voltage power lines, microwave ovens, AC, etc. In your case, the EMF levels are not that high. Try reading the RF and see if there is high RF radiation instead. Best way to check it is using RF Browser.

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