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Geo-Johnny Posted - 05/24/2019 : 02:21:29
HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

Whats wrong?
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
PRA7 Posted - 01/03/2022 : 07:46:24
Server error 503 today
EmfDev Posted - 12/23/2021 : 16:04:42
Hi RDF98, can you check again? Just checked and it seems to be back now.
RDF98 Posted - 12/23/2021 : 11:48:44
Service Unavailable
HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

I'm getting the above error message too (23/12/2021 @ 19:48GMT). I was quite excited to see the map and contribute data. Can anyone resolve the issue, please?
zebra14 Posted - 11/19/2021 : 06:39:49
Getting "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable" on 11-19-21 at 09:38 EST - time for a reset? Many thanks to you.
svalex Posted - 11/19/2021 : 01:53:51
Since some time,I very often get "The service is unavailable."(
What is the reason?
Geo-Johnny Posted - 05/24/2019 : 12:26:55
The server is Online again!
Thanks a lot for fixing.
EmfDev Posted - 05/24/2019 : 08:18:15
Looks like server is down, it is temporary and will be fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience guys.
memerson137 Posted - 05/24/2019 : 04:58:28
same error here - trying to register map account to join in
hope it is a temporary issue

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