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 GMC-320 Plus v4 Won't Display CPM Data

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GeoMan Posted - 09/07/2021 : 09:23:19
I can't seem to get my 320 Plus to display any data in the GMC Data Viewer.
I show that I have successfully opened COM 1 but nothing is being logged or displayed on the Data Viewer screen.
What am I missing?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
GeoMan Posted - 09/09/2021 : 13:25:14
I checked and it is connected to COM 14 so I changed the Viewer to that port and it works.
Thank you for your assistance,
EmfDev Posted - 09/09/2021 : 09:59:22
Can you please check device manager -> Ports -> USB-Serial CH340 to confirm the device is using COM1? Thanks.
GeoMan Posted - 09/08/2021 : 15:42:38
The Data Logger doesn't have such a box. The Viewer does have the box but when I check it the Viewer returns "heartbeat started"...big nothing burger...WTF?
EmfDev Posted - 09/07/2021 : 14:37:17
Hi Geoman, check the Realtime monitoring box below the graphing area.

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