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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
 Which is more accurate? GQ or Trifield?

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grandpafrank Posted - 05/20/2020 : 07:35:30
At the risk of sounding very ignorant- I do have to say this: I bought the GQ-360 and I wanted to test it to see if it was as sensitive as the Trifield TF2. When I brought my GQ-360 up to an electrical outlet, the GQ-360's red light went on and the numbers were high into the 500's telling me that this is a dangerous distance to be close to. Then I put the Trifield TF2 up to the same outlet....and the numbers were low. So low that it was crazy low. (Standard Mag and Elec were under 5 and 3). Can someone tell me why this would be so? GQ seems to be picking up EMF like crazy but the Trifield is not picking up much. Can anyone explain this to me in very "childlike" language! lol Is it because the GQ is more sensitive and the Trifield is not??? Thanks.
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sambro Posted - 09/28/2024 : 10:59:22
The GQ has a larger frequency range, logging features and more geared toward professional use. A complete review can be found here:
ZLM Posted - 05/30/2020 : 15:27:23
RF Browser.

ZLM Posted - 05/30/2020 : 09:11:03
The RF pulses speed testing.
ZLM Posted - 05/30/2020 : 08:40:02
There is a video for testing those two meters:
EmfDev Posted - 05/20/2020 : 15:30:38
Yes you are right.
grandpafrank Posted - 05/20/2020 : 13:01:38
Thank you for that great reply, EMFDev! Let me get on your nerves a little....the GQ meter that I am trying to compare the Trifield the GQ-360. (not 390). Would you say that this GQ-360 is also more sensitive that the Trifield? ...(sorry for bugging you)
EmfDev Posted - 05/20/2020 : 10:58:37
Hi grandpafrank, the EMF 390 has larger EMF frequency detection range than the trifield. That is why EMF 390 has higher sensitivity in higher frequency. But in 60Hz their sensitivity should be similar.

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