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 1.Geiger Counter World Map(
 Spikes in cpm

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dgmshelby Posted - 09/17/2019 : 18:01:21
Anyone know why the cpm spikes are going on around the usa on the Geiger counter world map for USA and on my GQ 500+, Norm. is 40cpm has been as high as 180cpm for 1 or2 min.This has been going on for weeks anyone? Has not been the norm here in the past.
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EmfDev Posted - 06/14/2022 : 10:16:34
Hi Sunnshol, how high is the spike? And how long did you have the tube?
Sunnshol Posted - 06/14/2022 : 04:38:58
My 600 is spiking. Could it be the same issue? I find no tube display options.
EmfDev Posted - 03/28/2022 : 09:43:49
Hi Pico, yes those numbers seem normal at 300Volts. There may be inaccuracy with the voltage reading. It may need to be checked for real voltage reading.

To buy a new tube, you can search online for M4011 tubes. Also you can buy from the GQ website.
Pico76 Posted - 03/26/2022 : 16:06:13
To be honest it seems to work properly at 300 volts around 30%, no more spikes at all ;tube 1 22cpm and tube 2 1CPM but i have not a radiation source or another geiger machine to check. Do you think i solved ?
Pico76 Posted - 03/26/2022 : 15:56:58
Hi Dev
Same issue here. i bought a 500+ in 6 august 2020. Tube 1 signs around 500 while tube 2 i always around 4 or 5. I tried to reset it to factory settings. Than i turned voltage from 430 to 370 but still high spikes. Could u tell me pls where to buy and find instruction to install a new tube ? thank you for support.
EmfDev Posted - 11/20/2019 : 11:08:02
Most likely it's tube issues. It's better to buy a tube and replace yourself than to send us back since you're past the 1 year period. Here is the link to the tube.

Your hardware doesn't support the high voltage reading. But we have new firmware updates also for your unit. We can update it first to see if we can remove the problems. Just email me your serial number.
Badger Posted - 11/19/2019 : 18:39:32
I’m not sure I know how to measure the voltage correctly... I have a simple digital multimeter, but only get 34 volts when measuring at both ends of the tubes. I’m simply sticking the multimeter probes through the back of the unit’s tube vent holes on each metal end of the tube. I read up on another forum post for measuring voltage, but don’t have a 1000v setting and don’t really follow the thread. I’m on firmware version 1.2. Can I upgrade that to have the display read out tube voltage? I read another forum thread about a new firmware version having voltage readouts for the 500+.
EmfDev Posted - 11/18/2019 : 11:02:54
CPM2 should only get 1-3 reading with background. So first we want to make sure if tube 1 can still be used. We need to check if the voltage is right in between its terminals and not too high. Are you able to do that? It should be around 380-400 Volts. If not you can try to decrease the Tube 1 Voltage in percent in the tube settings to see if it stop the spikes.

The last step we want to do is to for you to buy a new tube from us / or send it for repair.
Badger Posted - 11/17/2019 : 11:11:26
I finally discovered that I needed to put the unit in Large Format display mode to see both tube results. It appears that CPM1 is the culprit. CPM2 is not registering any CPM. I purchased the item new in April 2018 and have already sent it in once for repair. I can't seem to dig up those emails/records though. I sent an email to support last Friday and will wait for a reply unless you have any next steps. Thank you for the help!
EmfDev Posted - 11/15/2019 : 16:40:30

You can display both Tube CPM at the same time. Once the alarm goes off, you can check which tube went up.

Since the device is defective, you can return to us for repair/warranty. Since when you purchased the device? Or maybe we can send you a replacement for the tube. Im not sure if you need to purchase it though.
Badger Posted - 11/15/2019 : 16:26:41
It’s spiking on both the device and map as they stay in sync well, but I’ve been focused on the physical device as the alarm keeps going off...

I’m not sure exactly how to determine which tube is the culprit, but it’s always been on Tube 1, 2, CPM mode. I did select Tube 1 only and the activity and CPM stayed the same (spiking). Then I selected Tube 2 only and the led/chattering indicator stayed the same noise-wise, but the CPM count on Tube 2 is 0-2. So assuming Tube 1 is the issue?
EmfDev Posted - 11/15/2019 : 10:09:19
Hi Badger, is it spiking on your GMC unit or on the map? Please turn on the Tube 1, 2 CPM display in the Tube Settings to check which tube has the problem.
Badger Posted - 11/15/2019 : 09:16:21
Hi there. My 500+ has suddenly been spiking in the 100-300 range for the past month or so too. Only one other data provider for me to see in my area of Iowa, but they are not spiking. Normally I’m in the 30-40’s. Did you ever resolve your issue?
EmfDev Posted - 09/18/2019 : 13:18:51
You can also try to turn on cpm 1 and 2 display by going to the tube settings. We need to make sure it's not tube noise.
dgmshelby Posted - 09/18/2019 : 13:03:20
Originally posted by EmfDev

Have you tried to factory reset your device?

I will give that a try.
EmfDev Posted - 09/18/2019 : 12:06:57
Have you tried to factory reset your device?
dgmshelby Posted - 09/18/2019 : 11:38:00
Originally posted by EmfDev

Hi dgmshelby, did you see it going high on your unit or on the map?

ON my GQ500+ also
EmfDev Posted - 09/18/2019 : 08:59:19
Hi dgmshelby, did you see it going high on your unit or on the map?

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