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 1.Geiger Counter World Map(
 Last 24 hours as default ?

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Geo-Johnny Posted - 07/27/2019 : 00:56:00
Would it be possible to set the Geiger Counter World Map to "Last 24 hours" as default? That would be more realistic, because many stations are no longer available or are no longer in operation. I think the option "Any time" should be the last selection point. It would also reduce traffic and the display of the active stations would go much faster.
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Geo-Johnny Posted - 08/30/2019 : 23:40:25
Ok, sorry, I did not know that.
EmfDev Posted - 08/30/2019 : 15:14:17
Could be. But the server code hasn't been updated even before this occurred.
Geo-Johnny Posted - 08/30/2019 : 10:44:15
It should be a mistake in programming and not on the server. The 60sec. Refresh routine only works properly in the 24 hour setting. For all other time settings, a refresh only deletes all icons and they will not come back. As written, the last 24 hours settings work, but only with every second refresh cycle.
EmfDev Posted - 08/29/2019 : 09:03:21
Still checking why it happened. Probably server issue.
Geo-Johnny Posted - 08/29/2019 : 00:36:09
Last week - does not work
Last month - does not work
Last year - does not work
Any Time - does not work

Last 24 hours - work, Default
(I'm not sure, but I think it only shows stations of the last 12 hours ?!)

Geo-Johnny Posted - 08/28/2019 : 10:50:36
Okay, the last 24 hours were set as default now - Top!

BUT, now the other times are not working anymore. After a refresh the station icons are deleted and nothing happens anymore. Only the last 24 hours work! I tested it myself with two different browsers.
EmfDev Posted - 07/29/2019 : 15:13:07
Ok we'll discuss this again with our team.
Geo-Johnny Posted - 07/29/2019 : 13:08:00
Yes that is true. Nevertheless, the last 24 hours would be optimal as default at the start of the world map.
EmfDev Posted - 07/29/2019 : 11:41:46
Right now, you can see the first data to appear are the latest.
Geo-Johnny Posted - 07/29/2019 : 11:38:02
That would be nice. Because the current values of the last few hours are of interest, especially if a disaster happens somewhere on the planet. Which normal values were recorded some years ago at some point probably interests the fewest.
EmfDev Posted - 07/29/2019 : 09:29:27
Hi Geo-Johnny, this has been suggested before and if I remember correctly it was implemented for few weeks however looks like our developer decided to put it back to the "All Time". We will see if we can implement an option to change the default. I will let our developer know about it.

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