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 1.Geiger Counter World Map(
 No CH340 COM Port

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KenC Posted - 03/19/2019 : 07:45:27
I originally had this installed and it worked fine in Win Pro 64 on ASUS ROG Extreme. It got accdentally deleted, and now will not reinstall, either from Windows or vendor software from Anybody have a way of completely installing and reinstall, or settings advice??

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KenC Posted - 03/20/2019 : 14:40:51
Problem solved, thanks. Deleted all the vendor stuff which pointed to a single Chinese source, and let Windows do its thing. Now I have two devices working just fine - they found their own drivers at the Win 10 64 candy store!! Two CH340 Coms at the same time.
ZLM Posted - 03/19/2019 : 14:06:44
Win 10 64 Pro should not need to install the driver. It uses built in driver.
KenC Posted - 03/19/2019 : 13:01:05
Originally posted by EmfDev

Hi KenC. May I ask what driver or software is this for?

Two requirements: 1 is for a GMC-320 plus geiger counter (their drivers do not work); and 2 is to program a uRad monitor, and they offer no drivers.
EmfDev Posted - 03/19/2019 : 08:43:11
Hi KenC. May I ask what driver or software is this for?

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