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 Large dataset download?

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staze Posted - 10/07/2017 : 15:51:14
Hi All,

I see you can download CSV's of the data sent to gmcmap, but it only seems to download in less than 24h chunks. Is there any way to download ALL the data that my counter has uploaded to gmcmap? I'm trying to backfill my database.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hiro Posted - 03/29/2019 : 13:16:22
Hi staze, try
staze Posted - 03/20/2019 : 18:41:47
sorry, it seems like it's presenting old data. newest data it's showing is 2018-01-09 16:00:55.
EmfDev Posted - 03/11/2019 : 09:06:26
I just tried it, looks like it still works.
staze Posted - 03/10/2019 : 17:39:41
Is GMHistoryExec.asp no longer a valid way to recover historical data for download?

staze Posted - 10/08/2017 : 14:21:28
Nevermind, I think I got it now. Thanks!
staze Posted - 10/08/2017 : 14:20:23
Thanks! But sadly, looks like it's limited to 500 rows, and I'm submitting every 2 minutes.

Any way to get more data at a time?
ZLM Posted - 10/08/2017 : 07:13:17
try use following link:
where the xxxxxxxx is your device ID.

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