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 1.Geiger Counter World Map(
 How to : direct link to my location

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menno Posted - 07/28/2018 : 03:40:04
HI there
is there a way to have a direct url to my location ?
i have tried like this : hxxp://
but that wont do it

can anybody help me with this ?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hiro Posted - 03/29/2019 : 13:27:34
The time zone setting was for your convenience to enter a time zone once then you don't have to edit the systemTimeZone every time,

I just changed the display for the wrong header so it should work now.
The logic is like if you put something in the systemTimeZone parameter then the page is using the parameter, otherwise it uses your time zone in your setting.

If you have more questions we are always ready to help and thanks for using GQ device!
EmfDev Posted - 01/22/2019 : 09:54:03
@donghelan, Have you tried editing your profile with the timezone?
donghelan Posted - 01/20/2019 : 06:17:26
Hi Hiro, Menno, I also used Timezone parameter before but that doesn't seem to work now. You have similar experience?

I.e.: add this at the end when you are in Japan :&systemTimeZone=9 does not give the expected change from UTC into JST.
Also this wrong header is still there: Date (GMT-7:00). Should be UTC or GMT as long as the TimeZone does not (want to) change.

hiro Posted - 07/30/2018 : 11:22:34
Hi Menno

If you want the map to center at your location, please set your location correctly when you register.
If you want to see your device's history data, please go to********(substitute *s with your geiger counter id)


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