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Nikeware Posted - 08/26/2023 : 09:04:21
Hallo All!

Is it possible to send data direct from device (GMC-500+) to own server?
I created local server in my home intranet and configure device with next:
Server: h**p://localhost:90/
URL: index.php

But "Test connection" command from menu said "Link Server Failed" :(
Periodically I see "WiFi Data Send Failed" message also.

With default server (h**p:// and URL (log2.asp) all work fine.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ragesh Posted - 07/11/2024 : 00:19:28
Required Custom Server can you porovde us or you host the server
ullix Posted - 08/30/2023 : 22:33:36
Read the references I gave you. It will also direct you to the GeigerLog manual, chapter "WiFi Devices – WiFiClient Devices" to learn about a hack needed for an Apached server to make it "unsafe"!
Nikeware Posted - 08/30/2023 : 10:19:16
Originally posted by ullix

The problem with the GQ counters is that they do not support configuration of ports.

The problem is probably something else. I have reconfigured my local server so that it
now works without specifying a port. Something like this:
Server: h**p://
URL: index.php

Nothing has changed. Test connection is failed. Please note that I have tried
to access this address from my other home devices and everything works fine.

After that, I transferred this code to my server on the Internet to an address like: h**p://
The result is the same error.
ullix Posted - 08/30/2023 : 04:59:09
The problem with the GQ counters is that they do not support configuration of ports. But using port 80 requires receiving software to be run as admin. Mostly a bad choice.

I have added to GeigerLog a "Relay" software, which is run as admin, and translates to any port you want.

All GeigerLog stuff is found here:

But this relay is only avaialble in a pre-release version of GL1.5. Take the latest from here:

Then in the gtools subdir of GeigerLog find the software and instructions for use.

Nikeware Posted - 08/29/2023 : 23:27:11
First, from my side there are some small fail :-)

I need use not "localhost", but real ip of my PC in local intranet where the server itself located, of course :-)
In other words, we must configure GMC device with the next settings, like this:
Server: h**p://
URL: index.php

Where is my server in my local intranet.

Unfortunately this is also not work :-(

Originally posted by EmfDev

is there any response from the device? Like popup error message?

It is just a simple string OK.ERR0.

On device, if I try activate "Test connection" command from menu, I see "Link Server Failed" error message and periodically, "WiFi Data Send Failed" also.
EmfDev Posted - 08/29/2023 : 10:54:00
is there any response from the device? Like popup error message?

It is just a simple string OK.ERR0.
Nikeware Posted - 08/29/2023 : 00:45:53
Originally posted by EmfDev

Did your server receive the the data? You should respond with "OK.ERR0"

Thank you for answer!

If I try enter the url direct in browser, like this:
it is work fine. Server recieved data and of course answered with "OK.ERR0".

But it is not work direct from device itself.
The "OK.ERR0" answer are there simple text or something another?

If I try enter in the browser url, like:
I have answer with "OK.ERR0", but in "Developer Tool" window of the browser (F12) this answer look like 4 lines, were "OK.ERR0" itself placed on the last line.
EmfDev Posted - 08/28/2023 : 09:56:51
Did your server receive the the data? You should respond with "OK.ERR0"

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